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Mariah Jones🤎

I was still sitting in Jacob's trailer when my phone rung. I raised it up and saw it was Brian calling.

"Hello?" I spoke

"Doing a check in. How's it going?"

"It's so fun. Jacob showed us the some really cool stuff when we first came into the studio. And now we're in his trailer. Bri, it's really fucking nice." I said in a low tone

"Did you just call me Bri? Like Stewie did off-- Ohhhh I see what you did there." Brian says

"How are things at home?" I asked

"It's cool. We've got a location on your mother and S.W.A.T is grabbing her as we speak. Now don't worry because you are having fun and this here is for Frank and I to handle so please do not worry about her. I'll handle it and I'll tell you how everything is going when you get home. But use that EMERGENCY button if you need me in a flash. Like, use it." Brian says

"Okay, please call me." I said

"I will, I will. I promise." Brian says

After hanging up the call with Brian and hearing that they were getting my mom, I was on edge now. But I want to enjoy this moment here.

"Everything okay?" Jacob asks

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said

"Alright, well let's go see the rest of the set." Jacob says

"Okay!" Megan eagerly spoke

We got up and left the trailer and I was listening to and watching the things Jacob was showing us, but my mind was on my BET performance and some songs to do for it.

"Hey, hold on." I spoke

I pulled out my phone and called Kentrell.

"What you on foe'?" Kentrell spoke

"Listen, I was thinking about my BET performance and some music for it. I wanna do some Tupac stuff." I spoke

"What?" He says

"Yeah, like a dedication performance to my favorite rapper." I said

"Ow mane, excuse me then." Kentrell says

"Boy shut your sensitive ass up. Can you help me or not?" I asked

"Yeah yeah, I think I could pull a few ropes." He says

"I thought it was strings?" I said

"Do you know how big Tupac was and still is? Like I said, I think I could pull a few ropes." He says

"Okay. Thank you." I said

"You welcome mane. I'm just so prouda you." He said

I could tell he was smiling too. I hate him, he makes me blush and feel butterflies in my stomach and shit. Ion like that.

"Thanks Kentrell." I said before hanging up

Just as I got off the phone with Kentrell, Durk sends me a text.

Smurk🤞🏾✨: yo rehearsal time slot just came in shorty you rehearse tmr from 7-8p.m.
Mariah🤞🏾❤️‍🔥: ok cool thnks Durk😁
Smurk🤞🏾✨: anytime😜

I put my phone away and continued on with following behind Jacob.

"This is our current food selection. You ladies are more than welcome to have at it. And uhhh, that's pretty much it." Jacob says

"Ouu, danish." Megan says

"Girl." I said

"I sowwy." Megan playfully spoke

"No no, please... Eat as much as you want, there's plenty more somewhere else around here and production could always order more food in a heartbeat, so it ain't no trip." Jacob says

Megan grabbed a danish and I grabbed a bottle of cranberry-grape juice because it was Ocean Spray and their juice is awesome!

"Want some?" Megan asks

"No thanks babe. You want some juice to wash that down?" I asked

"No thank you." She says

"This here is our lovely show creator Lena Waithe. Lena, this is the lady I was telling you about to star as my new love interest. Mariah." Jacob spoke as we walked up to a lady sitting in a producer's chair

The lady just turned her head from her phone and looked me up and down before frowning and asking Jacob:

"Is it here or the white girl?"

"Her. Her name's Mariah." Jacob spoke

"I heard you the first time. She's not about to be filmed on my set or these cameras. The girl can't even act, it shows."

"Excuse you bi--"

I put my hand over Megan's mouth because we all know her shit is reckless as hell and I do not need her getting us kicked out.

"Well first of all, you don't get to just judge me based off my looks. What makes you think that I can't act? Did you even bother to ask? Did you bother to do any research on me to see my history? No you didn't, so don't you dare fucking judge me." I said

She just looked at me with the same frowned up look on her face before waving Jacob over. He walked over to her side and leaned down next to her. I watched as shorty whispered something to him then he raised up. I watched as Jacob turned around and had this terrified look on his face.

"Security!" The lady called out

"Ayo! Chill out, I got it." Jacob says as he frowned up

"Get them off my set, now!"

"Rude ass bitch. We the ones making your show what it is. If it wasn't for us supporting your work, there would be no you. If anybody needs to be sucking up to anybody, it's you to us. Be grateful bitch!" Megan spat

"Period. Fucking stuck up ass, judgemental ass bitch. The fuck she think I am?" I said while turning to walk off

"No no no! Please please, don't go like this." Jacob says as he ran up behind us and grabbed me

"Don't go?! This bitch just sat here and was rude as fuck to me and I tried to be classy and nice. But naw hoe, you got me fucked up. I ain't finna be kissing no bitch ass. You could suck my dick for real." I said

"Okay, well let me take y'all home. I feel bad, I'm so sorry. I didn't know she'd react that way, if I did. I would've never put you guys in that situation. I'm sorry." He says

"It's fine. You didn't do it to us. Boxed head bitch... Mariah, come on!" Megan says

"Thanks for the opportunity, I really appreciate it. But I gotta go. I'll neverrr come back." I said

"The studio. We could work on some music together. It'd be cool and you don't have to worry about her." Jacob says

"That's fine. No negative energy crowding my space." I said

"No negative energy crowding your space, got it." Jacob spoke

I just shook my head and we left the building. Jacob brought Megan and I home and we went cleaned ourselves up before I got into bed. But of course these niggas had to be loud as hell for absolutely no reason at all.

"SHUT THE HELL UP DOWN THERE!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs

I'm sick of them. They asses got to go!







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