Chapter 1: MVP

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I'm ready for school. I'm lying, I don't think anyone's actually ever ready for school. But honestly, I think this year's going to be different. Who am I kidding, it's definitely going to be different. This is my Senior year. Supposedly the hardest year of high school (although junior year was a pain in my ass). But I need this year to go well. My whole future depends on this year.


Ever since 5th grade, my dream school has been Yale. I've worked so hard up until this moment to get there. Every club, every academic opportunity, I have taken. I have a perfect 4.0 gpa, I play two varsity sports, I am president of 5 different clubs (3 of which are highly highly competitive), I have 100+ hours of volunteering, the lowest grade I've gotten on a test ever was a B+. Cmon Yale, how much more do you want.

Of course I have other things but I don't wanna brag. You're probably thinking, how the fuck do you have a social life. Good question. You see, everyone at my school is highly competitive, which means that we all have the same goals: getting into the ivies. Since we're all mentally insane, we all need to collectively take a break every now and then and go out. We have this thing created by the students called "burnout weekends" it's a weekend every now and then where most of the students take a break from studying and go out and party. We have to plan burnout weekends way in advance to prepare.

I think I have a good shot at Yale. My school is pretty separated. Half of the people care about school and where they go to college. The other half uses daddy's money to get there. And, I'm not saying that every single person is looking to go into ivies, but most people are. If not, they're looking into any sort of competitive school.

I've narrowed it down. From what I know, some people are striving for Harvard and Princeton, others Brown, and Colombia. No one has mentioned Yale. Except one person. Kai Armani. Kai has been my rival since middle school. We've had at least 1 class together every year since 5th grade. It all started when I mentioned that I wanted to go to Yale in 5th grade and then all of a sudden after that, he made it his goal to take that spot away from me. Of course, I wasn't intimidated by him until 9th grade when I realized he's actually somewhat school smart. Ok he might be very school smart. The point is that he is a dick and Yale doesn't deserve his shitty personality.


Today is August 24th. The big day. The day that will complete my quest into being ready for Yale. MVP interviews. Being an MVP is kinda an important part of highschool. It's a chance for the upperclassmen to help the incoming freshman for the year to get settled in. I could've done it last year but I was stocked up on other things that I decided I need to do it this year. It's important to me because if I have this one last thing on my resume, I'm sure to be set for Yale. It's just a simple interview. A simple, "hey why do you wanna be an mvp?" "What makes you different than others?" Type of thing. Should be pretty easy.

I straighten my hair and put it in a half up half down. I grab my gray sweater from my closet and some jeans and put it on.

I feel confident.

I made some extra notes this morning to look over before I go in for the interview.

The process for MVP is weird. First, you have to apply online (which I already did) then get interviewed by former MVP members from the senior grade and if they think you're fit, then they tell the head of the board and you're in. So with my luck, I need someone good in my grade to accept me.

I walk into my school building. Kingsbury Academy. I'll never get old of it.

The hallway's were filled with incoming juniors and seniors. People buzzing about the MVP process.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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