Chapter Thirty-Six

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"This seriously sucks balls," Clara groans raspily.

George hands her a mug of lemon tea, perching at the end of her bed. He's frowning, eyebrows curving down in pity.

At this moment in time, Clara really hates Addy. Loathes her from the bottom of her heart.

She sneezes loudly into her arm, and George subtly turns his head away from her, despite being masked up. That's what Clara is now. A bio-hazard. Bio-hazards don't go to clubs on Saturday nights and share drinks with random women. Unless you're Addy. Then that's exactly what you do apparently.

"I feel awful. I think I'll stay and take care of you." George says.

"No!" The ferocity at which Clara says that sends her into a coughing fit, nearing spilling the tea in her hands, making George scoot away from her. "No don't, seriously. You have a meetup, me being sick can't ruin that."

"But then you'll be alone on your birthday." George's eyes get all big and sad for her.

Clara's birthday is in two days. And it sure looks like she'd be turning twenty-four alone.

"It's fine really. I'd feel worse if I kept you here. I'll probably be spending it sick anyway, and I don't want anyone being near me. It'd be a waste if you didn't go hang out with your friends." Clara takes a gentle sip from her tea, shivering as a chill hits her body.

"... are you sure you don't need me? You can barely get out of bed to use the damn toilet, let alone feed yourself."

"I'll be fine, Georgie seriously stop worrying." The last time she said that she did have a panic attack, but that's beside the point. "Please, just have fun. We'll celebrate my birthday once you're back and I'm better."

"Okay but I'm not leaving until tomorrow, so I'll be waiting on you hand and foot until then!"

"As it should always be," Clara teases. "But have you even packed yet?"

"... no."


Tubbo was to be sleeping on Tommy's couch, while Jack, Niki, and George had all gotten separate hotel rooms nearby. They'd be in Nottingham from the eighteenth to the twenty-second.

"Fine, I'll go pack right now. After I give you medicine. What are your symptoms?"

Thus far Clara is experiencing a sore throat, runny nose, and a cough. However, she knew that things would get far worse soon. When she got sick, she got sick.

"Tylenol cold and sinus should do the trick for now. It's in my bathroom on the shelf near all the other pills, can you grab it for me?" Clara says, weakly raising a hand to point.

"Yeah, yeah, I got you, just lay down and relax." George hands her her laptop from where it sits on the nightstand. "Watch something."

Clara settles into her mountain of pillows, pulling her covers tightly over herself. She's only left bed once today, and it's four pm.

George gets up and exits, and right as Clara is opening her laptop, her phone rings. She searches her covers with her hand blindly, before fishing it out. She sees the caller ID and manages a smile. Clara hits the speaker button.

"Hey love how are you? I know you said last night your throat felt a bit off, but you were assuming it was from the screaming at the club. Any updates on that?"

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