Chapter XIII part 2: Who am I?

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"What am I really?" His voice echoes through his head


"I got one of those demon children I'll sell it for a bag of gold."

"Thank you, a demon boy and our circus will be complete! And It will be the most successful! I will be rich!!"

"Right right pleasure doing business with you."

Marx felt a thump, he's inside a crate. All he can see on the creaks is a big red tent with lights inside. Where is he?

The Ringmaster proceeds to crack open the crate containing a very young Marx.

"My didn't I stumble across a good deal, half demons like you aren't as fragile as everyone else. I'm going to make sure you perform well." The ring master chuckles.

Marx whimpers in fear.

"Now now, I'm not a monster, but know that if you disobey me or try to escape I'll teach you a lesson."

Marx starts to cry.

"Crying won't get us gold coins little one, do you see this shiny piece of metal?" He carries marx in his arms showing him a coin.
"We would want alot of them, so we can have whatever i- we wish to have!"

Marx looks at the coin, holding it in curiosity.

"You understand me, yes? In this case, if you want to be free, you have to earn it, earn alot of these coins for me. And you do it by entertaining people capiche?

Marx nods.

"Very good, we shall start today."

He spent years inside that tent, eventually becoming a Jester, and the main star of the circus. All the attention made him over confident with himself. His narcissistic personality only developed more as he's clearly better than everyone else, and then one day Marx finds out that he finds amusement in seeing others in despair and pain. Maybe this is his nature, are of demon blood are all born evil?

He liked the life he had,

But he wanted more.

He was greedy.

He doesn't only want to be known and important on the circus. He wants to be known across the universe, he wanted to be God.

So he ran away, burned the circus and everyone inside it. Never looking back.

For what reason?

"Why not?"

Then one faithful day, he stumbles across Kirby, a well known hero on the land of Dreamland.

He'd only made the Sun and Moon fight because he was bored, but it seemed like he gave himself a big opportunity, a genius, evil plan!

Marx bounces on his ball, approaching Kirby.

"Hey, hey, hey. Can you make peace between the Sun and Moon? You need to..."

Kirby, of course obliges, he nods and quickly headed on his way.

'That was easy, seems like their hero don't ask that many questions, ohhh I could almost taste the powers that are rightfully mine!'


--school bell rings--

Kirby happily flies towards the castle, he can't wait to learn how to cook!

Everything that he's thinking of is the big perfect picnic, probably the most excited he felt in a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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