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Tw: suicide attempt and rape

3rd person POV( following Cordelia)(because I'm better at that):
2 years of barely any contact between the two friends dragged on Cordelia struggled through those two years a lot but not as much as she would in the next few years to follow.

It was Finnicks 16th birthday, the day before the games, the day that marks the two year anniversary of Finnicks worst memories.

They had a decently sized party, Finnick and Cordelia reconnected for the first time in a month.

"What's going on with you Cordelia?" He rarely used the nickname she earned so long ago from eating the buttercup flowers that grew in front of her house.

"Nothing much, just mayors daughter stuff, you know how it is. What's up with you?"
She looked up at Finnick who had grown like a weed while she had stopped two years ago.

He flashed that oh so fake yet charming smile at her "busy being the capitals darling of course."

She nodded slowly "you know you don't have to pretend around me right?"

His smile faltered "I know Cordelia, I just never know who's watching." He said in a very hushed whisper keeping that wide grin on his face

She slowly nodded "sorry." She whispered back

Finnick looked down at her, he looked tired, like he hadn't slept since that time they cuddled each other to sleep.

"You look tired fin." She said frowning.

He nodded "I am tired, so so tired." His smile unwavering.

"You should go upstairs and rest, I'll tell everybody to start leaving."

"Thank you Cor, i love you okay?"

"I love you too" they hugged and went their separate ways Cordelia dismissed everybody from Finnick's mansion and Finnick went up to his room to rest.

Cordelia cleaned the house and after about a half hour she heard a thud from upstairs. She went to the top layer of the house and knocked on Finnick's door "Fin?"

No answer.

She walked into the room "Finnick? You okay?" She saw his legs around the corner of the bed she walked around the bed.
Finnick lied in a pool of crimson blood, a razor blade not far from him, his skin was pale and his breathing shallow

"Oh my fuck, oh my fuck, fuck, fuck!" She kneeled next and scooped him into her arms, she was strong due to the illegal, intensive training the district four kids went through. It also helped that Finnick was skinny, skinnier than he should be. She stood and ran, she ran down the stairs and out of the house as fast as she could to her house where her mother, who was a doctor, was in the kitchen.

Choked sobs escaped her "mom, mom help, Finnick he, he.." she trailed off

Mrs Stella Ambrosius turned, her face drained. She quickly cleared off the dinning table. "Quick put him down."

Cordelia placed Finnick on the table. Stella handed her cloths "Apply pressure to the wounds I'll be right back." Cordelia did as she was told.

Stella came back, arms full of medical equipment, she quickly started a blood transfusion, pain meds, and started stitching up the wounds.

Finnick stirred slowly becoming conscious again. His eyes shot open he scanned the room frantically. He shook his head and tears started to form in his eyes.

"Finnick, finnick, calm down." Stella told him as she finished his stitches.

Finnick sat up breathing heavy

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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