Part 1 | Falling

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"I hate this universe" you groaned to yourself, leaning your chin on your hand as you scrolled through the online paperwork you had to fill in by tomorrow.

The office was quiet, the last of your co-workers having left a little while ago.

"I can't be bothered, I'll do it in the morning" you decided, shutting your laptop and packing up your things before heading out of the building, waving to the secretary out the front.

Your apartment wasn't far away, so you decided to walk home, watching carefully around you for other people.

Shutting the door with a groan, you put your bag down and wandered towards your room, flopping down on your bed with a sigh.

You must have fallen asleep, because you woke up to a humming sound underneath you, your bed shaking slightly as you sat up quickly.

A glowing blue circle opened up underneath you, small sparks flying off it as you moved to get out of the way.

"What the f-"

Your curse was quickly cut off by the circle opening up and sucking you inside, a shriek escaping your lips.


You came crashing back to reality with a mother shriek, smashing into a hard wooden floor.

"Motherfucker" you groaned, rubbing the back of your head as you sat up slowly. "Alice in Wonderland type shit-"

Before you could say anything else, a hand gripped your wrist, pulling you up to a stand as a blade was held in front of your face.

"Who are you?" A stony voice demanded. "How did you get in here?"

"Nice to meet you too" you grumbled, looking up to see a face you couldn't believe was there. "This can't be real."

"Oh it very much is" Loki glared, his cold hand coming up to grip your neck threateningly, easily lifting you off the ground. "Answer the question."

"Kinky much?" You gasped, struggling for air as your legs kicked around, desperately looking for something to stand on. "Which one, you asked two questions genius."

The Gods lips twisted into a slight smirk, his expression suggesting he was almost entertained by your rambling. "Very funny mortal, answer both the questions before I slit your throat."

"Ooh knives" you coughed. "I'm Y/n L/n, and I got in by falling through the ceiling and possibly the fabric of reality, I'm not really sure yet."

He chuckled quietly before dropping you to the floor. "You don't seem very afraid, quite unusual for a mortal."

"Not to stroke your ego but I'm terrified" you panted, already feeling bruises forming on your throat as you wheezed for air. "My sarcasm just increases the more serious the situation is."

He didn't say anything, choosing instead to conjure a pair of handcuffs and put them on you.

You raised your brows at him as he locked the chains together, the man rolling his eyes with a slight grin.

"Quiet mortal."

"I didn't say anything."

"You were going to" he replied, shoving you out of the door with a knife at your throat.

"Was that your room? I'm assuming it was because it looked quite dark and emo, fits your vibe."

"What did I just tell you?"

"You were going to" you quoted, Loki containing his entertainment with another roll of his eyes. "And I mean with the black, green and gold and everything in there it's definitely your room-"

"Be quiet before I kill you."

"On this lovely carpet? That would be a pain to get dry cleaned."

He chuckled quietly as he waved his hand, the two of you suddenly appearing in a spacious and expensive looking living room.

"So much for your impenetrable tower Stark" Loki announced, pushing you forward.

The group of people on the array of couches in front of you glanced up, the sight of their faces almost making you fall over in shock.

"I'm finally going insane" you sighed. "I knew this day was coming, I just didn't expect it to be so soon."

"She's a little strange, I'm sure you'll enjoy it" Loki shrugged as he stepped around you, choosing to sit in a plush armchair to your left.

"What are you doing in the Avengers tower?" Steve Rodgers demanded, standing up defensively.

"How the hell would I know" you sighed. "I was just trying to enjoy my night when I fell through Loki's ceiling."

"How do you know my name?" He asked sharply.

"Lucky guess."

"So where did you come from?" Tony asked seriously.

"My apartment?"

"And where is that."

"Not... here" you answered in confusion. "Definitely not here. I don't even live in New York."

"And where do you live?"

"Why would I tell someone I just met?"

"Because we'll lock you up" he threatened.

"Chains and all?"


"Sounds fun" you shrugged.

"It's not fun- are you okay?"

"Mentally, physically or emotionally? Because it's a no for all of those."

"Oh good, we've picked up another weirdo" Tony muttered.

"Says you" you retorted as Loki smirked slightly.


Welcome to the first chapter of this fic! This is being written for the lovely Lokiisbestantihero , thank you for being so very patient darling, and I hope you enjoy🫶

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