Epilogue: You Will Always Be My Favorite Form Of Loving

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[Now Playing: Cloud 9 (Beach Bunny)]

"There they are!"

The accusing cry was the first thing that (Y/N) and Connor heard when they walked into the bar that night. After they had sorted themselves out at Hank's house, (Y/N) had realized it was close to their call time at the bar, and since Connor was going to see their set anyway they had decided to show up together.

Skylar's shout brought their attention to the booth Hank and Connor normally occupy during their bar trips. It was a bit of a surprise to find it crowded by (Y/N)'s bandmates, all of who were gesturing wildly for Connor and (Y/N) to join them at the booth.

Ignoring the dirty looks shot to them by the few patrons in the bar at this hour, the couple hurried over to the booth, standing at the end of the table to greet the group.

"Look who finally decided to show up," Alix teased with a grin, eyes flicking between Connor and (Y/N) curiously. "And with a friend, too."

(Y/N) scoffed, rolling their eyes as the rest of the table laughed.

"So, how was it you two?" Nick asked cryptically, the group's attention turning to him.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Beth questioned, raising an eyebrow at Nick's cheeky grin. Hank hid a smile behind his drink.

"Oh, I don't know. Why don't you ask Connor and (Y/N)?" he shot back, grin only widening as he turned to look at the couple.

Connor was a bright shade of blue, not having expected the sudden attention and subject matter. He looked to Hank, a pleading look in his eyes that was blatantly ignored as the Lieutenant took another swig of his drink. (Y/N), on the other hand, was looking at Nick with furrowed brows, an analytical expression on their face before their eyes widened suddenly, their eyebrows shooting up in realization.

"You're the one that taught Connor piano?!"

Nick gave a sharp cackle in response, the rest of the band watching in confusion as (Y/N) started yelling at Nick.

"Wait, what the fuck is going on?" Alix shouted, cutting (Y/N) off and standing up with her hands planted firmly on the table. She pointed at (Y/N), an eyebrow raised. "What are you talking about and what's going on with Connor?"

(Y/N) crossed their arms, glaring at Nick as they responded. "Connor learned a song to ask me out," they dropped casually, oblivious to the wide eyes on them as they zeroed in on Nick, who was still smirking. "And you knew about it! What the fuck, man?!"

Before Nick could even begin to answer, a loud slam startled (Y/N), making them jump into Connor. They turned to the source, finding Skylar standing up in the same position as Alix as she yelled, "Connor did what?!"

This set off the rest of the band, who all started shouting at (Y/N) and Connor over each other. Skylar and Alix were both standing up, Jen sat in between them as they all tried to interrogate (Y/N) about what was going on between them and Connor. On the other side of the booth, Nick sat between Hank and Beth, the latter of them directing her questions to him while Hank watched the chaos unfold while chuckling.

After about a minute of yelling and Connor trying to hide behind (Y/N), who found the entire situation both hilarious and embarrassing, Jen quieted the table down with an authoritative shout.

"Quiet down!"

The table fell silent and all attention turned to Jen. Even Hank put down his drink to see what she was going to say. She glanced around briefly, making sure everyone was settled before she laced her fingers together and set her elbows on the table.

"Connor asked you out?" She questioned (Y/N), voice even and expression stern. (Y/N) nodded hesitantly, unsure of Jen's intentions.

At the confirmation, Jen smirked, leaning back in the booth with a low chuckle. "You guys heard it from the source, time for you losers to pay up," she said simply. Alix's eyebrows shot up into her hairline and she jumped up from her seat, a triumphant "HA!" leaving her as the rest of the table groaned and started pulling money out.

Connor watched in confusion as Hank handed money over to the girls with a groan. "Lieutenant, are you-"


Word count: 726

Song notes: Fun fact: I originally had this song picked out for the confession chapter before I decided to actually add in plot lmao. I think its just a cutesy song that ties up everything in a nice little bow, y'know?

AND THAT IS A WRAP FOLKS THANK YOU FOR COMING TO THE SHOW! I'm so excited to have finished this and to have been able to share it with you all!! Even though Press Play isn't my most fleshed out or ambitious writing project, it is my first completed longfic and my absolute baby (I am not joking when I say that when I first started writing this, I slammed out the first 10k words in like a week because I was just that deep in dbh brainrot) and I love it very much. Apart from all the issues I ran into while writing and posting (losing power due to a tornado, nearly breaking my wrist, getting bodied by sickness, and hitting writers block) I've had an absolute blast writing, and seeing comments from people who are enjoying reading is really just such a treat, so thank you to all my commenters (even if some of you guys should be fixing your priorities because there have been like 2 people who said they dropped everything to read new chapters) and voters, i appreciate you guys very much <3

Apart from the general thanks, I wanna personally call out Blue, the person who sat through explaining romantic attraction and how it alters how people may perceive things to me over a discord call. It'll probably be a while until they actually read this, since they haven't seen a playthrough of dbh yet, but for when they do: Thanks for putting up with me being a dumb aromantic bestie <3

I also wanna call out Q, who let me spam her with snippets over discord and screamed at me in return and unintentionally prolonged my excitement for writing Press Play. Again, it'll prolly be a second until she reads this, but when she does: thank you for enabling my brainrot, and you still cannot date my entire cast of characters, but Alix, mc, and Skylar would flirt with you if you initiated.

All that aside: I do wanna talk about future plans, so If you like my writing and wanna see more, this is for you.

I do plan to write more for D:BH, but it might be a little bit before that happens. I am primarily an angst writer, and I do plan to write more angsty connor fics when I eventually play through the machine connor routes of the game (which is something that I've been putting off until I finish Press Play, largely so I wouldn't be tempted to add angst lmao.) I definitely will be writing some oneshots for the fandom though, so theres that.

Apart from D:BH, now that Press Play is completed, I'm going to be switching my focus to an Umbrella Academy fic that I've been working on and off on for years now. It's currently posted to my wattpad, but I might cross-post it to ao3 if I think it's good enough lol

If anyone wants to yell at me about the writing process of press play, or if you just wanna yell at me in general, you can find me on twitter @AceSlightly or on tumblr @slightly-ace

Again, thank you to everyone who reads, comments, and votes, I appreciate you <3


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