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    Chocola lived in a wonderfully pink drenched world. Her cheeks stayed a lovely pink, her outfits were all various shades of pink, and a good number of the foods she consumed on a daily basis were pink. Chocola loved to sneak tiny bits of pink frosting when no one was looking, though most of the time several people were.
    But truly everything to Chocola was pink, and she liked it that way. She kept it pretty and rosey, and never deviated.
    When Chocola was bothered by something, her first instinct was to douse it in pink. Who could stay angry at something they love to look at? So she always kept little doses of color nearby if she needed to fix something unsavory. Bows, dyes, sprinkles, small but easy fixes.

Once, when on a walk with Kashou and Vanilla, the group stumbled upon the mangled remains of a blue jay. Neither Kashou or Vanilla said anything when Chocola poured heaps of pink glitter over it.

    And if Chocola did this with people too, who could blame her? She turned small arguments into pretty peony's, rude comments into tulips, and uncomfortable situations into carnations. Nothing ever kept Chocola down for long, not when she turned all the bad, nasty things into a lovely flower garden in her head.
    Chocola liked it like this. She liked being seen as the ditsy, airheaded Minaduki cat girl. She liked her world simple and light. She was a good cat girl, and that's all there was to it. She and her sisters worked hard to be good workers for their family, for their masters, for Kashou.
    Oh did Chocola love Kashou. He was her everything, he was everyone's everything! All encompassing, all knowing, home. He had and will always be there, guiding with a steady hand. And if all Chocola had to do for that love was work for La Soleil and love Kashou 1000% harder back, then she thought that was a good deal. Chocola thinks she's a lucky kitty.

That was until Chocolas world became infested with mint.

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