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my eyes adjusted through the dim horizon, any minute the sun might be peeking up

we've been sitting here about an hour now, after the bar closed we kept walking through the streets until we found a nice place to sit and think for awhile we can't go back to the dorms, It's already way past our curfew it was one of those nights where everything didn't matter, no worries, no fears



"what time is it?"

he checked his wrist watch "4:45"

I moved closer to him resting my head on his shoulder, he placed his arm around me

"Let's runaway together, live somewhere far from this insane, troubled town"

He chuckled "how drunk are you?"

I stared up at him "I'm serious"

He sighed I sat upright so we can both face each other, thankful for the streetlight down the corner of the street enough for me to see his face

"We can't" he looked away he sounded sad "your mum might hate me even more"

He laughed and I joined him "You're my best friend, She can't hate you.. It's against the rules"

he laughed again

"maybe someday, when were rich, and witty" He says taking a small rock and threw it down the road hearing it echo through the distance

"when were done being reckless and ignorant" I added lingering through the thought

there was silence and I even though he didn't speak I know what he was thinking

"We can make it Tris, you know graduate... Make our dreams come true" I scooted closer to him "we have each other"

He smiled I hooked my arm around his and rested my head on his shoulder once again

"hey (y/n)"


"I never get to tell you this but..."

"oh no.... Is this the part where you confess your hidden love for me Tristan Evans?"

he chuckled "No"


"listen, okay?... I'm just glad I have you, you've always been there for me, I never gotten the chance to say thanks"

my smile grew wider and I feel my cheeks getting hotter. I'm glad he couldn't see it

"I'm glad to have you too Tris, and don't worry it's not free"

"how much do I owe you?"

"I'm still thinking about it"

"don't think too hard"

I sighed "I have a quiz in second period"

"I do too"

"Reckless and Ignorant" I repeated and laughed

"Is that the sun?" he asked pointing a finger to our left

"I'm afraid it is" disappointment flooded through me "time to face the real world"

Tristan hummed "c'mmon, let's go"

he took my hand and held it leaning close to him, wondering how many times we get to be doing these things again

As soon as we get to our university the gates were still closed so we get to stay out for another while

"your phone's been ringing why won't you answer it" I asked leaning to a tree

"It's just Trisha, she knows I'm with you"

I roll my eyes "more reasons for your girlfriend to hate me even more"

"I can say the same for Ezra" he replied flatly his tone full of humor

"he's a nice guy"

"If nice defines breaking your heart one more time, I'm gonna break his face"

I snickered "I'm sure he got the memo the first time you punched his face"

"I don't like seeing you get hurt"

"how protective"

We heard the gates open

"Where have you kids been?" A guard asked eyeing Tristan and I

"Clubbing" Tristan answered putting on that 'Idon'tcare' tone

I stifled my laugh as we both went into the gates

"I swear kids these days" The guard grunted lowly but enough for us to hear

James laughed and I joined him

"I'll see you around" I say

"see ya" He smiled and we went our ways back to our dormitories.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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