OUT OF THE ASHES • A Mother's Love

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Spring had sprung in Ottery St Catchpole. The trees along the riverbanks had burst into shades of emerald and sage, and the rolling fields were filled with wildflowers and young lambs. At The Burrow, the chickens were happily pecking their way around the courtyard, while the gnomes had taken over the garden. A ginger cat was attempting to stalk them, lionlike, through the overgrown grass, his fur gleaming like amber in the Sunday morning sunshine.

Artemis watched the scene from the kitchen window, a cup of tea in her hands. As Fergus the cat pounced on his would-be prey and missed it entirely, she stifled a giggle, feeling guilty for laughing at his misfortune. After all, he couldn't help not being as sprightly as he used to be.

"Those gnomes have been busy, Molly," she said to Mrs Weasley, who had joined her by the window with a plate of biscuits. "There's loads of them these days."

"Well, that's what happens when there are no young people around to help get rid of them," Molly replied. "The boys and Ginny are all too busy with their husbands and wives and little ones. Except for Charlie, of course, but then I can hardly expect him to come all the way here from Romania just to de-gnome the garden for me."

A chuckle came from the other side of the kitchen, and Artemis turned to see Charlie leaning against the fireplace, shaking his head slowly.

"I don't see why not," he laughed. "You've already put me up to all the other jobs that you want doing around here. Why not have me de-gnome the garden as well?"

"If you're offering, dear, I'm not going to say no."

"Course not. Alright, I'll deal with the gnomes for you. Just let me have a cup of tea first, I need a break from sorting out the roof."

Charlie took two biscuits from the plate Molly held in one hand, and she used the other to pat her son's cheek before summoning him a large mug filled to the brim with steaming hot tea.

"There you are, dear. Thank you for being so helpful."

"You're welcome, Mum."

"Oh, and Artemis!" said Mrs Weasley suddenly, as if she had only just remembered something important. "I have a job for you, too!"

Artemis frowned. "Really? What?"

"Well, I've bought some new dress robes for little Molly's christening. I'd love for your opinion on them before everyone else arrives for lunch."

"What about my opinion?" Charlie asked through a mouthful of custard cream. His mother tutted.

"Don't be silly, Charlie," she said, and she walked across the kitchen and up the stairs without a backwards glance. Charlie shrugged.

"Alright. Bit rude."

"Clearly, she thinks I dress better than you," said Artemis, giggling into her cup of tea. Charlie raised a single eyebrow at her. "What?"

"That's a very bold thing for you to say whilst wearing my shirt."

"This is mine," Artemis told him. "I've had it for years."

"That's funny, because I've been missing one just like that for years," said Charlie, and Artemis pulled the flannel material of the shirt that used to be his around her protectively.

"If you want it back, you'll have to fight me for it."

Charlie sighed and shook his head. "You're the worst."

"No, you are."

The sound of a woman's scream pierced the air, and Charlie put his mug down on the counter, his head snapping towards the top of the stairs.

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