Chapter 1: The Clearing

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My name is Madison. That was the only thing I can remember ever since I came out of the Box. Everyone was nice to me and called me Maddie instead of Madison, not that I mind. I was placed as a Seeker, three months after I arrived. Each and every day then, my routine was simple; wake up, freshen up, eat up, run out, draw, come back, eat up, freshen up, go to sleep, and do it all over again.

I was woken up today by Perry, my fellow seeker. Seeker, meaning the ones who go through the doors and into the Labyrinth, hoping that somehow we can get out.

"Wake up sleepyhead! The Laby ain't gonna run itself." Perry said, shaking me awake

Perry, she was the one who came two months after me in the Clearing. The Clearing is our home, at least, it that's what we call it. No one really remembered anything from their past but their names. That's just how it works here. The Trove is opened by Clearing Residents, a girl newbie shows up with supplies, the newbie doesn't remember anything but her name, she gets assigned to a job, do her part, and every month, on a specific date and time the cycle goes over again.

The Clearing is divided into sectors. The Office, where the leaders meet and gather to discuss different aspects in the Clearing. The Chart Room, is where we map out the maze we Seekers run off to everyday. The House, where each and everyone of us is divided into rooms to settle in. The Kitchen, where food is stored and cooked. This place is runed by the Grubs. The Bathrooms and Loos, to shower and well, take a loo. The Graveyard, for those who died in such horrible or idiotic manners. The Woods, where we get most of our building materials from. The Infermary, where the injured or sick go to. Also where the Nurses mostly spend their time in. The Common Area, where we held bonfire parties for different occasions. And lastly, The Cooler, where we put jail-worthy people in jail.

Now us, the Clearing Residents, are also grouped accordingly to our skills. The Seekers, as I've said earlier, the ones who run in the Labyrinth and hopefully find a way out. The Woodworks and Masons, the ones who work best with buildings and other things that is put up by a hammer. The Grubs, the people who prepare our food. The Croppers, gardeners of the Clearing. The Cleavers, the ones who cut meat for us. The Nurses, people who take care of the illed. The Gravers, the people who takes care of the dead. We searched our heads for a better name for these guys, but we couldn't find any. And lastly, the Sweepers, the ones who take care of every mess. You might think that being a Sweeper is worthless, but actually being a Sweeper is one of the most important jobs here. We would be a mess without them.

We are lead by our leader, Sasha. She's one of the few girls who has been here the longest.

"I'm up you sick schlub." I said getting up. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my watch

"Come on then!" Perry said, pulling me up "We should run now if we want to get back before the Newbie Alarm." She said

I got up as soon as I heard 'Newbie Alarm' coming from Perry's mouth. I just love being the one who welcomes them to the Clearing, well, at least I did. Ever since I've been a Seeker, I always seemed to miss the Newbie arrival. But today, I'll be there when the gates come up.

We made our way towards the east gate. Bianca, the Grub Leader, packed our lunch personally every morning. Today, she packed sandwiches with lettuce and tomatoes. She also gave us cheese triangles in case we get back a little later to the Clearing.

Awhile later, after running for hours, Penny and I decided to have a twenty-minute break. I took my cheese out first because it's not even near lunchtime yet.

"So," Perry started "Tomorrow, I am going to do something in the Chart Room. Are you okay if you run alone?" She said taking a bite on her sandwich. I can see her fuss, which means that she's hoping I would say yes. She always does that.

I rubbed my thumbs together before saying yes. It was the only other way to avoid eye contact

"Really? You're not at all worried, about," it came in close to a whisper "The MechSpi's?"

Oh yes, the MechSpi's, short for Mechanical Spiders. They are these horrible, terrible creatures that came up each and every night to attack. You're lucky if it only stung you. But then again, I wouldn't call being stung a blessing. After you've been stung, you'd go through the Transfigurations. Bad things, that is, the Transfiguration. After you've been stung, the venom would spread around your body and make you crazy, it only lasts a few days with the changing.

"Nope. Not at all." I answered

"Great!" She exclaimed. As if a bolt of lightning came across the sky and giving her the power to fart rainbows.

"Let's go. It's almost noon and you and I both know you'd wanna be there when the Trove comes up." Perry said. Then we ran off.


The run today wasn't too tiring compared to the previous days. We came back just in time before the Newbie arrived.

I decided to help out my close friend, Tessa, a nurse, with her patients.

I came up the Infermary just when she is about to insert vaccine to Liv- or is it Lindy? I wasn't sure anymore. Since I became a Seeker, not only did I miss the Newbie Arrivals, but also, I didn't have the time to socialize.

"Hey Tess!" I greeted as soon as I came up a few steps behind her back

She looked startled at first, but smiled.

"Hey Madds. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be running?" She asked

"I wanted to welcome the Newbie. Haven't done that in quite a while. I just, I don't know...miss it." I answered. I took a seat near the table where she set the bottles of vaccines and betadines.

"Well it shouldn't take that long. It's already-" Her words got cut off when the deafening sound of the alarms filled the Clearing.

I ran. I ran, even though my feet hurt. I know I shouldn't have ran, but I just couldn't help myself! It was as if the ground got replaced by white, soft, fluffy clouds.

I continued to run towards the Trove; not even caring if I bumped onto someone.

The doors flung open and there, there was a little girl. I came forward as the others stepped back. They must've known I wanted to welcome the Newbie today.

"Hi. I'm Maddie. What's your name?" I asked giving a small smile

"Rosie. W-why can't I remember anything?" She asked. I could hear the fear in her voice. She looked like she was around thirteen or fourteen.

"I'll answer that later after the tour. Right now, welcome to the Clearing!" I said as the girls cheered

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