happy april fools day except im being nice

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(historical ver.)

Lan Wangji came back to China, but was forbidden to ever visit Wei Ying, he was watched like a hawk by Lan Qiren.

Lan Xichen sat across from his younger brother, Lan Wangji, in the quiet solitude of the Cloud Recesses. He knew that Lan Wangji had been struggling with conflicting feelings about Wei Wuxian and the consequences of seeing him again. So, he decided it was time to have a heart-to-heart conversation with his brother.

"Lan Wangji, I know that you are torn between the sense of duty to our sect and your desire to see Wei Wuxian again," Lan Xichen said in a soft and gentle tone.

Lan Wangji looked up from his meditation and gazed at his elder brother. He knew that Lan Xichen had always been understanding and supportive, but he never expected him to speak up about this.

"I understand your dilemma, but I want you to know that you don't always have to listen to the elders," Lan Xichen continued. "Sometimes, we must trust our own instincts and make our own decisions, even if they go against tradition or what others may say."

Lan Wangji looked down at his hands, feeling conflicted. He had always been taught to respect the rules and traditions of the Lan Sect, and he didn't want to disappoint his elders or tarnish the reputation of the sect. But at the same time, he longed to see Wei Wuxian again and put the past behind them.

"Lan Wangji, I want you to know that if you ever have the chance to see Wei Wuxian again, I would agree to it even if I knew the consequences. And I will take care of it," Lan Xichen said, his voice filled with conviction.

Lan Wangji looked up at his elder brother, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Thank you, Xichen," he whispered. "Your words have given me courage and reassurance that I am not alone in this."

Lan Xichen smiled warmly at his brother, his heart filled with love and pride. He knew that Lan Wangji was a strong and honorable cultivator, and he trusted him to make the right decision when the time came. But he also knew that sometimes, even the strongest of us needed a little push and reassurance from those we loved.

Lan Wangji stood outside the gates of the Cloud Recesses, his heart racing with anticipation. It had been years since he had last seen Wei Wuxian, his dear friend and former partner in crime. But now, as the Lunar New Year approached, he had received a letter from Wei Wuxian inviting him to a reunion in Yunmeng.

Lan Wangji had agonized over whether to accept the invitation or not. His duties as Chief Cultivator of the Lan Sect kept him busy, and also he knew that his Lan Qiren would be angry and he had many responsibilities to attend to. But in the end, his heart won out, and he decided to take a break from his duties and travel to Yunmeng to see Wei Wuxian once more.

As he entered the gates of the Jiang ancestral home, Lan Wangji felt a rush of nostalgia wash over him. He remembered the days when he and Wei Wuxian had roamed the countryside together, causing mischief and righting wrongs. It had been a long time since he had felt so carefree.

Wei Wuxian was waiting for him in the courtyard, his face lighting up with joy as he caught sight of Lan Wangji. They embraced each other tightly, and for a moment, it felt like no time had passed at all.

Over the course of the Lunar New Year festivities, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian spent every moment together, reminiscing about old times and catching up on all that had happened in their lives since they last saw each other. They laughed and joked, and even got into a bit of trouble when they snuck into the kitchens to steal some of Jiang Cheng's famous dumplings.

As the night wore on and the fireworks exploded in the sky, Lan Wangji realized just how much he had missed Wei Wuxian. He had always known that Wei Wuxian was a special person, but it wasn't until this reunion that he fully appreciated just how much Wei Wuxian had changed his life for the better.

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