Alien Renegades Series

43 1 3

The Charismatic Leader: How did he start The Tribulation?

"LIAR!!!" Belowed a voice from the back.

"Liar, Liar, Liar!!" a man from the back runs to the front standing infront the rally being held in what previously were the courts of justice. 

Pointing to the man at the podium who's speech he interrupted. "This man is a liar!".  His face contorted with pain and sadness, He turned facing the newly elected president. " I believed in you...I believed you but you decieved me" 

The presidents face was as stone. 

"You decieved us all" and with that he flunged his right arm behind him, gesturing to the crowds standing behind him. The ragged man's accusations causes the crowds to stirr with questions and slow panick. Soldiers step forward with their guns in an effort to apprehend the now crying activisit, but were stopped by the president who simply looked on with a blank expression, the scar on his face having an ever eminant pressence on his previously friendly countenance.

The ragged man turned facing the crowd and raising both his hands.

"He is one of them!" This silenced the crowds to a deathly quiet.

"He is one of those creatures who killed your children...and..and"  His face twisted as he struggled to speak the next phrase .."stole your daughters!" 

Coughing up sobs he falls as if weak with pain.

" For 16 months 9 days and 3 hours, the people of earth have were tortured by these, these things from space, THIS MAN claims to be our Saviour from the Beasts. But HE is the  Beast of All Beast" ...Dont believe him, its all an act." 

The president looked upon this man's back with menacing focus. Although there, his mind seemed elsewhere.

The Man Continued  "The Invasion was all just and ACT people, by HIS kind! HIS KIND ARE DEMONS!! we were warned!" 

At this point the crowds start to stirr, some looking unto the figure at the podium in terror and some scoffing at the man ranting and beckoning for the military soldiers on standby to take him away. 

Finally the President raised one hand, with that the crowd was hushed. The man on the podium looked upon the ragged man with what seemed like compassion and pity. 

"Tell me young man..." His voiced echoed with authority matching the aura surrounding him.

"...Where do these accusation stem from?, wasn't I fighting along you when they attacked" 

The Ragged man still on his knees said with a snarl, making no effort to turn around and face him bellowed

"I met an Angel and HE-"  *Interupted*

"AN ANGEL!?! HAH!" The newly elected president laughed a contagious laugh "...Is that what they are calling themselves now?! Angels!!! Angels who steal children.." A slow menacing growl of anger and sadness swept over him and swiftly replaced his amusement as he spoke, his eyes swelling up

"...No they were no angels. At least not the kind I know of, In fact I can go as far as to say today. BASED on what Ive seen. Young Man that their are no angels. No!" 

The Prominant figure faces the crowd.

" I believe that for centuries these....BEAST! have fooled us, Have taken our vulnerabilities and our willingness to believe for a weakness when they are indeed OUR STRENGTH" 

The Crowd went wild. They jeered in agreement. A smile escaped the newly elected president, but quickly reverted back to the serious face he had on before.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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