Illèa Weekly: Danielle Nicholas

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"My name is Danielle Rene Nicholas. I'm from Sota, and I have seven sisters and one brother. I've modeled a few times for fashion lines and advertisements, but nothing major. I'm seventeen years old and my dress was based off of the red Ixora flower.

It's a mermaid design with four splitting petals. I used the slender tube of the flower to inspire the shape, and of course the four petals. I inserted a shade of orange because in Sota, my mom grew beautiful bushes of these with an orange tint."

What is your favorite place at the palace?

"Definitely the art room. Every time I go in there and look at the marvelous prices of art, I notice something different every time. There's beauty in the places best hidden, soon to be sought out by the observant eye."

What is the most romantic moment you've had with the Prince?

"He showed me a room where I could paint. I immediately loved it, and on a date, we each painted a picture. It was mostly us painting each other, but it was fun and romantic in itself. Every date with Aaron is refreshing and wonderful."

What would you be doing in your hometown right now if you weren't chosen for the Selection?

"Well, I'd probably be trying to get my name out there. I'd be getting a job, and I've always wanted to design a fashion line, but I've settled for modeling the clothes instead."

Describe your dream wedding.

"Well, all of my sisters would be my bridesmaids, and I imagine my fiancé would take my brother as a groomsmen. I've always dreamt of my wedding as a young girl, but there's so many things to put my spin on it's hard to say."

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