Two, Mother and daughter

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The noises of clatter and clank that came from her room soon came to a stop as the girl stumbled out through the door.

Eyes landing on her mother who kept the final plate onto the table as she gave her a warming smile upon noticing her. "Have breakfast before you leave love," she smiled while motioning her daughter to have a seat.

"Someone's late~" jisungs voice perked up as she groaned, "Guess who's fault was it" she grumbled before their father shut them up by harshly getting up, the sound of the chairs screeching on the floor haunting their ears.

"No fights at the table" his stern voice would obviously shut their mouths as jisung went back to picking at the food.

She made her way towards the table a bit hesitant, as she eyed her mother in a foreign way, re-thinking what she just heard a part of her not believing what her mother just voiced out earlier.

Pushing the chair outwards she took a seat on it before setting it back in and picking up the chopsticks. "You never cared if i had breakfast what's with this sudden attitude, it's scaring me.." she whispered.

Eyes roamed around the varied delicacies as her chopsticks lingered on her hand, not moving a bit.

With a heavy sigh she smashed the chopsticks down before looking at her mom who was indeed looking back at her with all smiles.

You are soo predictable mom...

"What is it now that you want mom" her stern voice did some magic on jisung but on her mom it was of no use, she was still all smiles as she parted her lips to reply to her daughter's question.

"What would I need" waving her hand she tsked before continuing, " can't i feed my son daughter a good meal??"

Luna took in a long annoyed breath before speaking back, "cut the reasoning mom i know you wanna say something, just spill it out"

"Well...if you insist" Mrs. Park started drawing circles on the top of the table, luna cringed at the whiny voice of her mother as her body instinctively moved a bit back.

"Heard of Mrs.Na two streets away?" And that was enough for luna to know where this conversation was leading on to.

"Mom no not again i thought we had already talked about this a hundred times!" Her frustrated voice rang throughout the house as jisung calmly made his way out the scene, not wanting to witness another fight.

"I know i know Lu but this is such a good -" "No! No goods or buts will work with me mom" she cut her mother off as she stood up her eyes have a hint of annoyance.

"I thought we talked this through mom.." her voice a bit more softer as her mother shifted uncomfortably on her feet.

"Yes dear i know but this is not what you think it is, he is such a good boy and the offers-" Mrs. Park shook surprised as luna banged her hand on the table rather hard.

"I hoped i had made myself clear two weeks ago when we had the literal same conversation mom...i am not taking any marriage proposals now" she said pretty frustrated.

"But lu you also get a-" "mom!" Luna yelled as her mother showed no sign of giving up.

"Luna just hear me out dear," she pleaded while going behind the girl who had moved on from the table not wanting to stand there any further having that conversation.

"No mom i am not ready for any marriage-" mrs.Park took her arm as she pulled it making her daughter face her.

"Lu just hear me once please love just this once," her eyes almost holding sparkles as her grip on lunas hands increased.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 03 ⏰

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