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[idk what season this is, but it's Hermitcraft with a little empires sprinkled in and I have no idea if this is college au or not. Anyways they're friends at the start of this and it's another one based on a prompt. It's at the top. That's not the whole thing, but it kinda lays out the whole story and I want you to actually read this lol.]

3rd person
     Neither Grian nor Scar knew why they were here, really. They had been dragged along to this game by their friends and had no idea what was going on. Suddenly, Pearl and Impulse started hitting them and pointing... up? Goddammit Grian thought, finding himself starting at his and Scars faces on the kiss cam. He looked away, blushing as Scar finally noticed and started making little 'no' motions with his hands and shaking his head, his face on fire too. A resounding boo was heard all throughout the stadium.
     After that, the game was certainly interesting. The cam zeroed in on them at least seven times. They refused to comply each time to more and more booing. It also had a strange fascination with a pink-haired girl and short [sorry, definitely totally very super tall] brunette boy with a green streak in his hair. No matter how many times they obliged, the cam kept coming back. Not to mention the cyan-haired boy dressed all in white and the blonde next to him who was covered in mud and slime. The most the audience could coax out of the two was for the boy in white to take the others hand, followed by raucous applause. The camera woman was having a very fun day, it seemed.

Scar pov:
     This is starting to get annoying. Scar thought. Why wouldn't whoever was controlling the camera just leave him alone? He was sure he was going to overwork his heart with all the pounding that was happening and if his face got any redder, he would blend right in with his * ahem * TOTALLY BEST FRIEND's sweater. It wasn't that he didn't want to. On the contrary, he would love to but he didn't want to do it at some random basketball game, and Grian was obviously worried about something.

Grian pov:
     Grian groaned as the cam zeroed in on them for what felt like the hundredth time. He couldn't focus on anything but hiding his blushing face the whole game and he was sick of it.
     "What did you say Grian?" Scar looked towards him, still having not noticed. The cam moved away, but was soon back in its now familiar position. Grian threw his hands up.
     "OH FOR PETES SAKE" he yelled, then grabbing Scars collar and giving the people what they want. He tried to pull away, quickly remembering what was happening and that he had finally worked up the nerve to kiss Mr. Goodtimes of all people when he realized that Scar was holding him in place.

??? Pov
      She smiled to herself, though she had to cover her ears to block out the booming cheers coming from the crowd. Once the two lovebirds broke apart, somewhat scrambling away from each other in embarrassment, she panned back over to Lizzie and Joel. She kept grinning, between Mumbo and Katherine, Gem was becoming quite rich.

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