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We were like magnets. We stuck together and were comfortable with each other. If I was surrounded by my classmates, Quinn was surrounded by hers, too. It's funny because since I'm in my fifth year, I could always see her down the second level of our building.

The engineering school building was designed with an O, a total of the sixth level. So, first-year students go to the first floor, and sophomore goes to the second, and so on.

Whenever we were with our friends, we acted like we didn't know each other. And only a gaze dominates between us if we accidentally meet.

I always get excited daily and can't wait to see her again. We always met at our secret place. I helped her with everything: math, chemistry, physics, and even making a sketch plan design. Even though I am busy with my upcoming thesis, I still allocate time for us.

A day without seeing her is not complete. She completes me.

This setup has become a secret. No one knew, even Hendrix. He was my only cousin nearby because the remaining Mondragon boys were back in Italy and the Philippines. So it seems like Hendrix and I were the only Mondragon thrown at the other side of the globe because we were being punished. It's a long story, and I don't mind where I am at this rate. I'm more than okay and happy.

"Thanks, Mom. I will, I promise. I love you," I ended the call. It was my mother who was calling me from Italy. She's checking on me.

I inhaled deeply and waited patiently for Quinn. Unfortunately, she was late tonight, and while waiting, I answered all her work activities, especially Math.

After an hour and a half, I don't think she's coming tonight. I tried ringing her phone, and it was unattended. So I left a voice message, telling her I had to go and would be back tomorrow night. I also left some notes and placed them on top of the pile of her books.

The following day, the school was busy because it was the end of the third quarter. We're having our school exams, and I didn't see her again.

After the exam, it was lunchtime. I looked around. I even went into our once-secret hideout. The steel gate was now locked. The school management discovered that some students were making this place their hideout, and they shut it for everyone so no one could enter the premises.

Three days passed, and still, Quinn was missing. A week after that, I still had no news of her. I even asked one of her classmates, Sasha, and she didn't know either. I kept waiting at our secret hideout, but for the remaining three days, I could no longer access the place.

The gate of their house was shut. I could no longer enter inside. Her phone was unattended, and leaving a voice message was the only available thing to do. But I don't think she's responding to my notices either.

I'm worried. I returned to the mini-food shop before and after school. I always wait until the shop shuts at nine in the evening, and I always get home late.

"Is this him? Are you Xavion?" A voice from behind, and I looked around.

It's Dominic and his gang. My jaw tightened. I stepped backward, trying to avoid trouble.

Dominic is a known notorious bully to others. I don't know much about him, but Hendrix already told me he is the type of person I should avoid if I meet him on the road.

"Chicken, dude. What now? Shall we beat this chicken?" another one said.

I turned to see them, and there were too many. They all laughed as I looked at each one. I don't know them. One holds a baseball bat, two have a short steel rod, and the rest hold something.

"Relax, boys. Let me do the welcome initiation."

Dominic was quick from behind. His fist hit the side of my cheek, and my body almost drops to the ground. That was a big blow, but I didn't fall. Instead, I felt the pain in my cheek and noticed a liquid drip from this part. It's my blood.


I stared at his hand and noticed that he wore the punching iron. I composed myself and ignored the drop of blood on my cheek. Then, again, I looked at them. Most of them are wearing that steel punch on their hand. 

"How dare you approach my girl, idiot!"

Another quick punch from Dominic, but he didn't hit me this time. I managed to move my head in the final second. I positioned myself to fight back, but my ear perked up when a complex piece of metal hit the side of my ear. I fell, and my whole body lost its strength. 

I shut my eyes and ducked myself to protect my head. I could no longer count how many blows and hits I got from them. I felt someone hitting my legs repeatedly with heavy metal. Someone kicked my stomach and my back simultaneously. It was torture.

"Dominic! Dominic! That's enough! I said, enough!!"

Her voice was familiar and loud. My heart hammered. . . Quinn.

"Oh, hello there, sweetie. Don't worry. He's not going to die. It's just a little rough," Dominic's voice. "That's enough, boys," he continued, and they stopped.

I could taste my blood when I swallowed. I tried moving my leg, but it hurt like hell. Finally, I open my eyes and look in Quinn's direction. 

She's standing so close to me. Dominic was beside her, smiling like a devil. My heart pounded harder as I looked into Quinn's eyes. I wish I could smile, but I could hardly move my lips. I felt sticky, and I could no longer move both legs.

It was a relief to see that she was okay. It's lovely to see her again. I miss her so much.

"Now, tell me if you like this idiot?" Dominic asked her.

"You hang out with him, right, Quinn!?" he continued. "Is he the reason why you broke up with me a month ago? This fucking idiot!?" in Dominic's angry voice.

My eyes became blurry, but I didn't want to give up. I looked at Quinn's face, waiting for her answer. She looked strong, but her eyes showed no expression towards me. They were cold and distant.

"No, he wasn't, Dom. I was only using him for my schoolwork and projects." She said, facing him squarely.

Dominic smirked and spat the bubble gum in his mouth. He looks at Quinn with warnings, and Quinn shows no fear toward him.

"So you don't like this dickhead? Is he not the reason? You don't love him?"

"Of course not. Huh, there's no way I will fall in love with him." She said, crossing her arms together on her chest.

"Like I said, I was only using him! I needed to use him to pass the exam, and I did it. So, stop this, and let's all go!"

I felt a pang in my chest. The words she uttered caused my world to crumble. It was more deep compared to the numerous wounds in my body. . . she only uses me.

Dominic swore and signaled to his boys to disseminate the area. He sat down a little on my side and then pulled my hair. It was a painful grip.

"You will become a slice of dead meat if you come to see her again." Dominic spat in my face and laughed. Then, he stood up and grabbed Quinn's hand.

"Any last word you want to say to him?"

Quinn looks at me with no mercy. But I know her. They might have pushed her to say those words, and she probably didn't mean it.

"I'm sorry, Xav... yes, I just used you. Again,  I'm sorry if I took advantage of your weakness. I hope we never meet again."

My eyes were heavy enough not to see Quinn's beautiful face. I still looked at her, pleading for the last time. But her cold, lifeless eyes caused my heart to break again.

She just used me. There was no love. It was only me who fell in love and not her.



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