Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


“Do I look fat in this?” Hollis asked as she examined her body in a floor length mirror.

She wore a long and languid summer dress that tied just under her bust but above her ever-growing baby bump. Her luscious blonde hair fell over her shoulder and her skin glowed; she was the picture of a pretty pregnant woman.

Hollis, Richard, and I were all in Neiman Marcus, trying to find a suitable dress for Hollis to wear to her baby shower. She had been worrying herself sick about how she was going to find a dress with such a huge bump on her belly and was struggling to make a decision. Although she looked amazing in every dress, it took an army to make her believe it.

I looked over at Richard to find him admiring his wife with love. “It looks fine, Hollis. You look great in everything, really.” He tried to convince her that the bump on her belly wasn’t hindering her from looking the best in every dress she wore, but Hollis didn’t seem to be convinced. I stretched out in the dressing room chair I had been sitting in for a couple of hours. Hollis was trying too hard to look her best for this baby shower.

My long skirt pooled at my feet as I yawned.

“Elspeth, what do you think?” she asked.

The plum dress was beautiful and the color was a nice contrast to her milky skin and blonde hair. “It’s nice. I think it’s the one.”

“Me too,” Richard agreed.

“Hmm, I don’t know.” She replied. She was hesitant to give it a whirl, maybe it was the baby taking control of her brain.

Wouldn’t surprise me, the little sucker was probably planning world domination already. I couldn’t imagine what a baby from Hollis and Richard would be like. It was a frightening thought actually. I could see the baby armies creating chaos as we speak. The thought of human-harming pacifiers could only be the beginning.

After another thirty minutes of convincing Hollis that her stomach wasn’t the size of Jupiter and her butt the size of two cantaloupes, we started for the checkout. I was surprised when Hollis asked me a very personal question.

She was tapping her chin when she suddenly spit out, “How are you and Clay?”

I blushed, “Good.”

My response was too quick because in the next second, Hollis was jumping on me with questions. “Are you two officially together now? Did he deflower you? Why are you blushing? Did you break it off? What happened?”

I choked on my spit when she asked me about him deflowering me. Goodness, I didn’t want anyone else to know. We got a few stares from the other customers in line while Richard sent her and me an amused smile.

“Hollis, you’re embarrassing me.” I fiercely whispered.

Hollis was smiling wide and looked as giddy as a school kid until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to find someone I hadn’t been expecting to bump into.

“Mrs. Batson,” I gulped.

I immediately brought my hand up to smooth down my hair as well as my shirt. It was a little wrinkled from my choice to keep it in the dryer instead of immediately hanging my last round of washed clothes. And if her grimace at my wrinkled shirt wasn’t a tell-tale sign of her disapproval then the next words coming out of her mouth were.

“Excuse me if I hadn’t heard correctly, but are you still taking advantage of my naïve son?” Mrs. Batson asked.

I frowned, “Me? No I’m-“

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