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The phone went off downstairs in the Curtis home Darry picked up the phone.He was on the phone for about 10 minuets or more,you and pony were upstairs"You know dally isn't a bad guy he's just.....troubled"pony said messing with the buttons on his shirt.You could hear the door slam downstairs you and pony ran down the steps and saw the gang outside running you two followed behind"DALLY,SODA WHAT'S GOING ON!!!!!" they stopped for a second and yelled "IT'S DALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!".The gang stopped and yelled "NO YOU CAN'T HE'S JUST A KID!!!!"gun shot after gun shot was all you heard you saw dally fall to the concrete and within a second you screamed like you were just hit by a car.Dally was like your brother but an older brother ponyboy was your kid brother even though there was no blood connection you two were close than anyone else."OH MY GOD DALLY!!!,DALLY NO!!!!GOD NO!!! You feel your knees and placed your hand on his back where the blood wound was,this is it everyone is slowly leaving away.You hit your hand on the concrete"Please no,god no,i can't live with out you" you quietly said to yourself and ponyboy pulled you away from the bloody body.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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