The Truth

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The tune at which Travis was speaking was so angry that it took Zane by surprise, “Me?”.
“YES, YOU! What do you think you're doing?!”
“G-getting food?”
“Stop acting dumb! You know exactly what you're doing!”

Travis was being so aggressive that Zane took a physical step back, he had no idea what was making Travis lose his mind and temper like that. Zane almost wanted to cry, but he instead tried to focus on Travis which, for the first time in his life, was hard. “I genuinely don't know what you’re going on about?” 

“OH COME ON! Do you really think I’m THAT dumb? Everyone knows what you're trying to pull! Do you think I can just let that slide?!?!” Travis was getting closer to him, but Zane didn’t back down, “I’m sorry but yo-”


Travis is now right up to Zane's face, and Zane can see that Travis is far from well. His face looks emotionally beat up, with bags under his eyes, and streaks that only form from intensive crying. 

Zane, ignoring the insult, “Are you ok?” 
“NO! Why would you think I’m ok with any of this?!”

Zane can now tell that the anger was turning into depression, he could faintly see Travis holding himself back, so as to not burst right in front of everyone right now; well more than he already has. The only problem was Zane had no clue what Travis was talking about, and he was not helping clear things up right now, to say the least.

“Travis, you need to tell me more if you want me to understand anything you’re saying! Insulting me is not gonna get you answers!”
“You know, the thing that Aphmau told everyone!”
Zane, now suddenly worried, “What thing?”
“You know

the letter?”

In almost a moment of clarity and horror, Zane now does know what Travis is talking about.
Travis, now the one taken aback, “Uh, Yes? The letter that Aphmau showed everyone?”
“Yes? You didn’t know that?”

Zane only barely heard the last thing Travis said as Zane rushed out of the mall, with his heart pumping rapidly. Zanes' mind was racing with nonsense. Zane checked the time, the movie should have ended a couple of minutes ago. Zane dashed around passer byers, and the weird looks people gave him. Zane doesn't think he can ever come back to this mall again, but that's future Zane's problem. Right now he needs to find Aphmau.

It took a bit of searching, as Zane was being so frantic he was doing a poor job, but Zane eventually was able to hear the loud talking of the one and only Aphmau. As Zane rounded the corner he saw her in clear sight, chatting away with no care in the world.

“APHMAU!” Zane's face was hot with anger. He couldn’t believe she would DO something like this! Actually no, he COULD see her doing this; which is the worst part. He felt all the trust he had for her melt away. How foolish he was to think she would be honest, unlike the others. Turns out she’s just as bad.

“A-ah? Zane? What’s up?” Aphmau was nervous; unaware that she was gonna be thrown for a loop as her past deeds would come back to punch her in the face.
“Do what?” Aphmau was getting shifty-eyed, trying her best to uphold a smile, which only made Zane madder.

Zane was about to lose it, he had no idea which letter Aphmau somehow got her hands on. And some letters are A LOT worse than others, and who knows how many people she showed it to?

“Ooohhhh! That, well, you, I mean, what's the problem?” Aphmau is now sweating bullets.
“WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? I’ll tell you what! IT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS THAT'S WHAT! Why would you think you had any right to know THAT kind of personal stuff? AND THEN TELL OTHERS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!” 
Aphmau, knowing she’s a dead man, “Well it's not THAT bad?”
“IT IS THAT BAD! Do you still have it?!?!”

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