Just another Monday, or it wasn't

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The first day of the week, and as usual, I don't want to go to college. The day starts like every other Monday, with me waking up to the alarms I set on my computer. Yep, you read that right-I literally mean my computer because for some reason, even if I set around 10 alarms on my mobile, I wake up after the 5th alarm or not at all. Then I realized that my hair was extra messy as I missed my chance to get a haircut on Saturday. If you're wondering why I skipped Sunday, that's because yours truly was born on a Sunday, so it's not considered good karma to have my hair cut on Sundays. Upon grasping the situation, I get ready as soon as I can and leave for college while ruffling my messy-turned-smooth hair after the bath.

The schedule for Mondays is jam-packed right from the first lecture at 9:25 am until 5 pm in the evening. The lectures go just as usual, hand in hand with me almost dozing off in every lecture. The professors conduct their lectures with the help of PowerPoint presentations, not giving enough time to take down notes for all the various topics covered in the respective lectures. The reasoning behind this is that all notes would be uploaded on the college website to refer to whenever required. This brings up the question: Was this system the same prior to the pandemic, or is it just an aftershock of it? Still, that's up to the professor's discretion, and we just follow along, taking down notes whenever possible and paying extra attention when the professors say, "This one's a 10-mark, 15-mark question," because who doesn't want to score more marks in examinations?

That day there were three lectures, one practical, and then again 2 lectures to conclude the day. As time progressed, my attention was more focused on the clock, cracking some jokes and attempting desperately to stay awake throughout the lectures. Then came the practicals, which are like an oasis for me where I become fully attentive, and then with renewed energy, I can sit through the rest of the 2 lectures. Contrary to my expectations, I fell asleep countless times during even the practical sessions. Ah right, I forgot to mention my deskmate with whom I sit together during the practicals on Mondays. It's all thanks to him that I don't completely doze off during the lectures. But today, I can't even stay awake despite all the variables that keep me awake. Then I decide to just quit and go home, and I do leave after the practicals, bunking 2 lectures. After almost 90 minutes of traveling, when I am just 10 minutes away from my home, I get an email from my deskmate that notifies me that the last lecture was taken as a pseudo-practical where the whole class conducted a practical session in one of the available labs. Talk about digging your own grave.

When I rang up my friend, I learned that the practical was conducted on Google Collab, and if you don't know what that is, just look it up. Cause honestly, I too didn't know what the hell that was. After contemplating my course of action for quite a while, from Infinity and back and another round, I just let bygones be bygones. Then I reached home and transformed into what I'd call a homie-totally relaxed and chill, brainstorming what to cook for snacks, be it another Maggie series, pure bhaji series, or something entirely new. If you didn't get why I wrote "bhaji" instead of "curry," I'd say it's because of a YouTube shorts which condemned us for using the word "curry" as it was popularized by the British, who were ignorant of the various spices found in India. If you knew that fact as an Indian, congrats-you're on the right track. If you didn't, well, now you know.

Sadly, I didn't get a chance to advance my skill set and compromised with 2 juicy mangoes waiting for me at home to be eaten by yours truly. I then did some homework and watched some movies to pass the time and somehow fell asleep, utterly clueless about what was going to happen to me the next day...

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