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"Never mind me," I gave a quick wave to the kitchen staff who immediately halted and straightened up like an army when I walked in. All the clicking and clanking of kitchen equipment and food preparation for the ball on the main floor ended.

"Your majesty." The head of the kitchen bowed, arriving to stand in front of me and blocking my access to the small table right at the end of the large kitchen. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm just here to chat with Julia and have a bottle of wine," I explained and tried to sidestep him, "please, continue."

"Were the hors d'oeuvres not to your liking, ma'am?" He blocked me again, the concern evident in his dark blue eyes. I shook my head, "they were delicious, thank you."

"Thank you, ma'am," he bowed once more and stepped aside, letting me walk past him with Julia trailing behind me.

I heard the head chef instruct everyone to keep working as we sat down at the small table in the corner, away from everyone's view. We were brought a bottle of wine and two glasses. Julia declined of hers, as she was technically working.

"I'm supposed to start dating Edward," I huffed out in one deep exhale, "my parents adore him and his title. He would be the perfect partner for the future queen."

"You don't like him, ma'am?" she wondered, watching with amusement as I chugged down the first glass of wine, "from what I saw, he's quite handsome."

"He's even joining the Air Force after the summer," I rolled my eyes, "he's an old friend, but if anything, I feel the same toward him as I do my brother."

"I understand," she offered me an empathetic smile before leaning in and lowering her voice just incase someone was eavesdropping behind the corner, "Eleanor, your position doesn't always come with the luxury of marrying for love."

"I've thought about abdicating the throne when the time comes," I told her quietly, "but then William would have to step in. At least up until then he will have had led a life without having to concern himself with much, but I still could never put him in that situation."

"Honey, your parents have broken barriers on how much of their life together the people can see," she reminded me, "the monarchy doesn't have to stay old-fashioned. You are very adored, people will accept you however you decide to one day rule."

I gave her a small nod and looked over at the kitchen staff lining up to bring more food and drinks to the main floor.

"How is the wedding planning coming along?" I changed the subject, smiling when her eyes flashed with excitement, "Tim is still treating you well, yes?"

"He's been a darling," she gushed, "it's been surprisingly smooth sailing. We only have two weeks until the date, and I couldn't be happier."

"That's lovely," my smile widened at her joy, "I'm already plotting my escape. I'll sit at the last row, nobody will notice."

"I'm honoured, Eleanor, but-"

"Nonsense. I would be devastated if I couldn't be there."

She smiled. With the close bond we had, she had even asked me to be one of her bridesmaids, before we realised it was not allowed. My plan was now to inform the staff I needed with me of this plan and keep it hidden as long as I could from the public, but most pressingly from my parents.

I would be driven to a nearby bed and breakfast and have a room reserved for me under an alias. From there, I would be able to travel the short distance to the outdoor wedding venue, sit at the final row and be as unrecognisable as I could. Of course, I would need a member of security with me, as well as a driver. To my parents I would say I'm spending the weekend at Calber Castle as to not arouse great suspicion.

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