Chapter 1, Space Invaiders

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 "Yes, yes, this is a splendiferous day," the judge said. Recently he switched his carrer path to circus clown. I think it is a much better fit for him. His nasty puky hair fell in his eyes. With his love spell revoked, he was free to travel the world with the circus.

The magic of the circus was enchanting. Animal feces and gorgeous peanut shells scattered accros the ground as the croud left. The viewers of the circus brought feces with them to throw at the nasty circus rats of the Traveling Peelandia Circus, also known as the TPC, not to get mixed up with NPC.

The circus clown breathed in the poopy stained air and exhaled peacfuly. During the meditation guides life, he taught the circus clown the art of meditation.


All of a sudden there was a crash! Oh no, what could cause such a thing!

A short man walked into the room wearing an Architect costume, but instead of Xs as eyes he had circles because he's a noob. 457 mega chads lined the streets of Alyssa Land, a noble utopia. His army moved in unison with the Architect Jr.

Suddenly he spoke, "I am the Smarchitect! Bow down and fear me ye circus clowns, for you shall follow me in my passion to rule this world!"

The short man reached into his pocket and plucked out his magic crusty cinderella wand.

"Bippity bopity boo, I hate you!" A large beam of hot pink light emerged from the wand, engulfing everything in sight. The circus clown had recognized this classic move and cowered behind a neon green ant with a rainbow corn pattern on its head and red bowtie with Josh's face printed on it.

All the other circus clowns were blasted into oblivion and were never seen again. Great, the loser circus clown judge guy is still alive. But dang does he have the emotional capacity of a rock, specifically Rocko from Elmo. Now I can see why Elmo has a grudge against him. Oh my Josh, what are they teaching kids these days. It's like Blippi, he poured a bunch of food all over a truck just to make it "more dirty". Goodness, that really upset my mother.

Omg this is actually getting so off track omj.

Okay, so, the circus clown survives, he actually has a secret name, Konnor. Goodness is he full of surprises.

The mega chad army made their move of him, reaching out to grab his limbs. The circus clown dodged all of their advances and dropkicked 69 of them into the sun, where they burned alive. The circus clown laughed at all the despair.

He let out an evil cry as the power of despair leaked into his soul, corrupting him. He let out a period blood blast of despair out his butt in the form of a fart.

This was a lovely series of events. All of the mega chads bowed down to him, so that their despair would come to an end. The circus clown, being the jerk he is, decided that the mega chads needed to feel the despair and suffer.

He kicked the Smarchitect down and violently removed the mask from his face. The circus clown smashed it in his hand, using his hand muscles as Blippi would say. "Gasp," the circus clown said as a look of realization flickered across his face. It was Tomas, Haiden's little brother! He must have decided to continue the legacy of the Architects!

This is an epic scientific discovery!

A camera flash flickered about 100 yards away. It was a National Geographic photographer! The circus clown crept closer out of curiosity. He looked down into the pit which hides the photographer from sight. It was Koen Scalesclink! Omg plooooootttttttttttttttttttt twiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttttttt! 😱

Approximately 176 years ago, Koen decided to have a career change, much like Konnor. Shocking. Actually not really, Koen did pretend to be Konnor at Sasha's 14th birthday party and did the hair thing.

Koen used the command, /summon mob, and a cutting board poofed in his hand. This is magnificent!

Using the power of despair, Konnor uppercutted Koen into the sun with the 69 mega chads, a perfect place for Koen.

Anyways, back to the story, the circus clown jumped up into space using a despair boost to gain altitude. Omg the word despair has been used 8 times!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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