meeting everyone

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New Jersey POV

I look around the base and see ships damaged and buildings with holes in them "dame this is like pearl harbor again, better go check on that kid" with that I go into my ship and look for the little girl

about 5 minutes later i found her on the bridge "hey there kid how you doing"

??? "Fine Miss"

me "well that's nice My names New Jersey whats yours"

??? "My name is Unicorn"

me "that's a nice name, well let me dock my ship first and then well get you back to your family"

Unicorn "Yes Miss New Jersey"

Now I start to look about for a place to dock my chip I find a empty dock and move my ship there, when my hsip is docked I call to Unicorn

me "come on Unicorn"

Unicorn "Yes Miss"

With that me and Unicorn walk to the ramp to get onto the dock once we are on the dock I notice 3 girls walking up to me

3rd POV

POW "hello thanks for the help I'm Prince Of Wales this is Cleveland and this in Enterprise may we know yours

New Jersey "Nice to meet you I'm New Jersey and mind if I ask what year it is"

The other three gives her a wired look but Enterprise answers

Enterprise "its 1941 why"

New Jersey "Shit looks like my theory was right

Cleveland "What theory was right 

New Jersey with a sad expression "Is that Ive been sent to a different timeline"

All but Unicorn and Jew jersey


POW "hows that possible"

New Jersey "I don't know one day I was siting my port and then a purple portal opened up and sucked my in and then I woke up in the middle of the ocean as a human

Enterprise "wait you weren't human in your world"

New Jersey "No we weren't we  where just ships that manifested a mind and where able to think on are own but not control the ship sailors did that"

Cleveland "Wow that's weird for us to even think to have sailors on our ships but I gets its crazy for you not to have them and the ship to be apart of you

New Jersey "Yea it was very weird at first now I feels right I don't know

POW " I guess Well I have a question for you"

New Jersey "well send it"

POW "Will you join Azur lane we could use a powerful shit to help combat sirens"

NJ (New Jersey will be NJ from now on)"Sure and what are sirens are you talking about them mythological beings that hypnotize men" she said laughing

POW "No Sirens are and alien race that came to earth and pushed us out of the ocean till we where created and took the fight back to them  

NJ " Well I guess that makes sense and im guessing that Azur lane is and Alliance?"

POW Yes there is 2 main factions in the alliance  Royal Navy and Eagle Union

NJ "Well Eagle Union sound a lot like my country form my world  is there a way for me to join this faction since my name is USS New Jersey"

Enterprise " Yes there is a way but you will have to go through Yorktown back at San Diego

NJ "Sure guess ill get to see the famous fighting lady I already met the grey ghost and the lucky e

Enterprise gives NJ a weird look when she says the Lucky E but says " shell be glad to meet a fan"

NJ "Guess Ill be heading to San Diego to be getting into EU"

POW "That's fine with me do you want an escort"

NJ "sure If you want"

With that wales nodes and walks away  

Cleveland and Enterprise smile and node then leave

NJ goes into her ship to get ready to set sail for San Diego

Well there the second chapter let me know if you liked it I know it was short but I didn't have much to put into it sorry.

New Jersey Goes to Azur LaneWhere stories live. Discover now