Chapter 18

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We are now about a week away from the Gala and Everything is getting set and ready to go. I just have to get the venue decorated and ready to go. Asher has given me a few days off, so I have gone to my Apartment to grab a few things. I am locking my apartment door when my phone starts to ring. I pick it up.

"Hi Sam, what can I do to help you today?" I ask.

"I was just calling to check on you Stella, I know you havent had the easiest couple of days and I know how much you must have on your mind right now." He says.

"Thank you Sam, I am actually doing really good. Archer hasn't let me out of his sight or the sight of his security team but he is giving me a few days off to relax." I chuckle.

"He did mention that he was going to be setting up more security for you." He laughs.

"A heads up would have been nice." I state rolling my eyes.

"I didn't feel that one was in order." He retorts.

"Do you have any updates on you know who?" I question.

"I don't stella, all I know is that he was released, but I have no idea where he is or what he is up to."

I sigh. "I just hate that he is out there doing whatever he wants meanwhile I am paranoid, not knowing what is going to happen."

"I know Stella, just trust Asher and let him help you. He wants to protect you and he will do everything he can to help you."

"I know he wants to help and I know he cares about me, I've just never let anyone in that way. I've been hurt and through a lot, some I may never tell anyone but I don't know how to live my life when he is out in the world."

"You have a restraining order, trust it." He says.

I walk to the car and one of the security guys opens the door for me, "Can you please drive me to Ashers office? I need to check on something." I state to the driver.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Sorry, this week has been so crazy and the ball is in about a week there is so much to do."

"Your good Stella."

"Well I should go we will be getting to Ashers office building soon and I need to make the visit quick. I need a nap." I chuckle.

"Have you had anything to eat today?" He asks knowing I get tired when I dont eat.

"I had breakfast but havent had any other food today, I'll make sure to eat before I go to bed for the night."

"Promise?" He questions.

"I promise."

"Stay safe Stella. I will check in later."

"Will do. Bye Sam."


I hang up the phone right as we pull infront of the building. I Get out of the car and two securiy guys get out to follow me.

"Just stay here, you can watch me walk into the building but then I will be surrounded by other people I will be okay." I say not wanting them to follow me.

"Miss Stella it is our orders to follow you everywhere."

"I know what your orders are but I need to breath. So stay put. Ill Tell Asher I made you stand down." I respond.

They go to follow me again but I give both of them a death glare and they both stop getting back into the car and watch me walk into the building. I walk to the elivator and get in. right as the door is about the door closes someones hand flies in and it stops it from closing. they get in. I look at my phone not thinking much of it as the door closes. They step forward and press the emergency stop button. I look up confused but come face to face with him, my skin pales and fear creaps into my bones, just like that I am back to being the little kid and my body refuses to move.

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