Chapter Four

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3 days later, 7 days until the election

"Joe, how is this gonna work?" Donald asked.

"Just hold still," Joe replied, "I need to finish your eyeshadow." Donald looked in the mirror, questioning his life.

"Did we really have to go to a gay bar in drag?" Donald asked, "couldn't we just put on masks and go to some small restaurant?"

"Oh yeah, because two 70 year-old men in masks at a random cafe isn't suspicious at all." Joe said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"But did you need to make the eyeshadow so bright and glittery?" Donald asked. Joe just stopped and stared at him.

"You're a drag queen," Joe replied slowly, "you can't just put on some basic makeup. You have to go all-out."

"Fine," Donald sighed, "you're doing red white and blue, right?"

"Yep," Joe smiled, "we're gonna match."

1 hour later, The Fuzzy Pickle

"That's an interesting name, huh?" Donald asked, walking into the bar with Joe.

"Yeah, it's great." Joe replied.

"Two screwdrivers, keep the change." Donald said, handing the bartender a $20.

"Are you allowed to drink?" Joe asked with a concerned look.

"I'm the president," Donald replied, "I can drink whatever the hell I want."

Just then, the pair spotted two red satin doors. In large golden letters, the doors read "VIP." Donald walked up to the bouncer at the door, while Joe lagged behind.

"How much for two?" Donald asked smoothly, while Joe awkwardly stood behind.

"$50 for both of you." The man replied, his arms crossed over his large chest.

"I only have $25." Donald replied, reaching for the cash in his pocket.

"I can let you in for half price," the man replied, "but only on one condition."

"What's that?" Joe asked nervously.

"If them cheeks clap." The bouncer chuckled. "Move your legs side to side, and if they clap, you get in half price."

Donald took a deep breath, channeling his thick thigh power. He quickly moved his legs apart, then back together. The clap sent a shockwave throughout the establishment, breaking glasses and sending queens flying everywhere. The east-facing wall collapsed from the sheer force of Donald's thighs, leaving three walls and a pile of rubble.

"Y- you've exceeded my expectations," the man stuttered, pulling down his sunglasses to reveal his impressed and horrified expression, "head in for free. You'll get only our finest service."

"Tha- thank you." Joe gasped, still recovering from having the wind knocked out of him by Donald's thighs. The two swung open the large red doors and entered.

The first thing the two saw when they entered the VIP experience was two pairs of queens making out in the corner. Upon closer inspection they were identified. Obama had Bernie Sanders pinned against the wall, and Osama Bin Laden was on top of George Bush, pulling his hair while the two of them "wrestled."

Donald and Joe took their seats, before being a served a tray of martinis, condoms, and 24 16-ounce tubs of lubricant.

"I told you that wrinkly whore did 9/11." Donald whispered to Joe, eyeing Bush and Bin Laden.

Joe stared at Donald for a moment, before pinning him down on the couch. Donald smirked and flipped the two over, holding Joe down. The two began making out, and Donald reached for Joe's waistline to pull his skirt down.

"Hey, wait a minute," Obama shouted from the opposite corner, "who are you?"

Obama and Bernie walked over to the pair, interrupting their playtime. The two recognized Donald and Joe immediately.

"You're supposed to be rivals!" Bernie shouted.

"And you're supposed to be straight." Joe replied. At the same time, Bush and Osama came over.

"So are you!" Osama replied.

"You're supposed to be dead too!" Trump yelled.

But no matter how much they protested, Donald and Joe were chased out of the club.

Word Count: 646

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