My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 16)

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I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you so much for voting and the comments are amazing :) This is still Harrys' POV so I hope you like it :) Remember to keep voting, fanning and commenting :D If you like my story you'll loooove Flora_Styles story Baby Styles ;) Go read it! But don't disert me okay? ;D Thank youuuuu! Lana XxXxXXxxXxXxXXXxxXxXxXXxXxXxXXxXxXx

Chapter 16 Harrys' POV

I walked back to Jack Wills in a bit of a daze. The whole world carried on around me while I walked on by. I felt sick and my head was spinning. I walked through the entrance of Jack Wills and was immediately greeted by a worried looking Lauren. "Harry! Where did you go?! I was so worried about you baby!" She said shuffling towards me in her jimmy choos and flinging her arms around me. "Get off me Lauren!" I exclaimed as I pushed her off me and went to find Liam. She toppled over slightly.

 "Harry! Baby, what the hell is wrong with you?" Lauren said as she steadied herself and followed me. "You! That's what's wrong with me! Why are you here? I don't even like you!" I exclaimed as I snaked my way through the rails of clothes.

"Well then why'd you kiss me all those years ago, huh?!" I stopped in my tracks and took a deep breath. "Lauren, that was the biggest mistake I've ever made. It ruined my life and took away the best thing I ever had. Jess." The pain in my head suddenly disappeared and I realised how much I really loved and needed Jess. I couldn't just let her go like that, I need to fight for her! I looked at Lauren and her expression was angry.

Her penciled on eyebrows were creased and she was scowling at me. I turned my back to her and walked over to Liam and Georgia. "Can we go now please?" I asked through gritted teeth. "Um yeah, sure. You done Georgia?" Liam asked as he took the ton of bags off her. "Yeah I suppose." She sighed. I looked back to see Lauren huffing down the phone to someone. I can't believe I blew my relationship with Jess by kissing her.

"See ya later Hazza McCurly man!" Liam called out of the car window. They had just dropped me off at the house. I put my key in the door and then got jumped on by Rocky. "Wow! Hey there Rockster!" I exclaimed as I was being attacked by his tongue. "Down boy." I laughed as he started to calm down. "Louis! You home?!" I shouted. My voice echoed and then suddenly I heard shuffling about in the kitchen. I walked in and saw Hannah and Louis sitting at the table with a cup of tea. "Hey guys." I said as I pulled out a chair.

There was silence, no one replied to me. "Guys, helloooo." I said waving a hand in Louis's face. "Piss off Harry. I don't know how you could've did that to Jess." Louis exclaimed taking a sip of his tea. Oh gosh. They know about Lauren. "How'd you find out?" I mumbled. "Hannah was with Jess shopping, in Jack Wills." He said not making any eye contact with me.

Suddenly it all made sense. "Guys, I didn't invite Lauren! We bumped into her, me, Georgia and Liam, and Liam invited her along. He didn't know who she was, remember." I said hoping that they would understand. Liam and Georgia left to early from the party at the night club that night. They never met Lauren. "You're lying Harry." Louis sighed, still not looking at me.

"Don't believe me, huh?! Well listen to this. I love Jess, I only realised this when she walked away from me. She said she didn't care about me and didn't want me in her life and that made me realise how much I need her. These past five years have been hell for me, you know that Louis, and I really want her back. I miss her." Louis turned to look at me and I saw a smile spreading onto his face. "I knew it!" He exclaimed.

I laughed while Hannah sat there with her mouth open. "Why the hell are you sitting here with us?! Go tell her Harry!" Hannah said pushing me off my seat. "Well where is she?!" I asked laughing. "She's at home. We dropped her off earlier, be careful though Harry. She was in a bit of a state when we left her." Hannah said as she pushed me towards the front door.

"GO GET HER HARRY!" Louis shouted from the kitchen. I laughed then made my way over to my black Mini. I got in and turned the ignition on. Is this right? Or am I rushing into things too soon? I looked back at the door to see Hannah and Louis standing at he window signaling for me to go. I drove out of the driveway and made my way to her house.

I drove up her driveway and saw Filo sitting on the window sill and he went crazy when he saw me walking up to the door. Jess apeared at the window, wondering what Filo was meowing at. She looked up and saw me. I smiled at her and then waved. She lifted Filo and then turned away. Okay then. I stood at the doorstep and suddenly the door flung open. "What the hell do you want? I thought I told you to get out of my life."

I looked down at my feet feeling kind of shy. "I know, and I'm really sorry about that but please, let me explain properly." I pleaded. "Why should I? You'll just hurt me again, break my heart like you always do." Her eyes were filled with tears. I couldn't take this anymore. Seeing her cry, seeing her hurt like this made my heart ache. "Jess, I am so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. And I never will ever again, just please, hear me out." I said grabbing her hand. She pulled her hand away and stepped away from the doorway as if to say come in. I walked in and followed her to the kitchen where I sat down, ready to explain to her.

"Spill, you've got five minutes." She said sitting in the opposite chair. I took a deep breath and then I finally told her what I told Hannah and Louis. "Jess, when you walked away from me and said you didn't care about me and you didn't want me in your life, I realised how much I needed you. When you left me my life turned into a complete blur, life was just passing me by, I was too busy hating myself for hurting you. I missed you so much and then we met at the interview I was so taken back by it, I had shoved all my feelings for you to the back of mind. I never wanted this Jess. I still want you." I looked at her to see her reaction. Gobsmacked would explain it.

DUN DUN DUNNN! Will Jess finally tell Harry how she feels??! You'll just have to wait and see :P Please keep voting and fanning, we were nearly at 100! Just one more vote! Will you be the one to change that? Thank you Lana XxXXxXxxXXxxXxXxXxXxXXxXxXXxXXx

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