Chapter 7

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We're both out of breath and sweaty. But even in the red flashing light and loud sirens that make my head feel light I can still recognize her. Emma. My best friend. The girl we trusted this all with. The girl I thought would never do this to me.

"What the hell!" I shout I felt angry betrayed how could she do this

Emma doesn't reply instead she starts fighting again. Elizabeth stands up and I drag her back towards the locked entrance

"What are you doing you need me out there."she shouts fighting against me

"No your exhausted. you've just come back from you first task you need rest you can't fight again." I insist pushing her behind a pillar and going back towards Emma.

"Emma don't do this please." I try to resin but something's wrong shes clearly not right. We start fighting again but every time I have an opportunity to take Emma down I can't. It's obvious the amount of times I've let Emma win because I can't fight my best friend. Everything becomes too much with the lights and sirens and fighting I feel dizzy and staying conscious was becoming increasingly difficult. Just as I was about to give up I see Elizabeth step in. It's clear everything's to much for her to but she was trying to fight through it for us.

"Elizabeth get back now!" I shout but she can't hear me

I fall back on the wall behind me trying to fight the dizziness and go help Elizabeth. Emma was winning she'd managed to grab Elizabeth's knife. And then it happened. Almost in slow motion I watch as Emma uses the knife to slit Elizabeth's throat. I watch as she falls to the floor covered in her own blood.

"ELIZABETH NO!" I scream. Screamed until something in my throat broke and I couldn't scream anymore. I run over to Elizabeth's body and fall to the floor next to her.

"Elizabeth no please no. It was supposed to be forever. Just me and you forever. Please Elizabeth please." I sob but it was to late Elizabeth was gone. I pick up the knife next to me and stand up looking at Emma.

"How could you." I say my voice surprisingly calm with all the emotions building up inside me "I trusted you. I told you everything. I never even got to tell her I loved her. You killed her." I continue

Emma was frozen looking at Elizabeth with shock

"Ruby t-that wasn't me." She whispered "please you have to believe me." She says but I don't care

"Of course it was you who the fuck else could have it been." I shout shoving Emma against the wall with the knife pressed to her neck

"Ruby please I'm sorry." She begged

"Too fucking late Emma sorry doesn't bring Elizabeth back you killed her!" I shout pressing harder. Blood ran down the knife onto my hand as I added pressure

"R-Ruby." Emma tried to speak but she started choking on her own blood. With one final push with the knife Emma was dead. I walked back over to Elizabeth's body and knelt beside her pulling her head onto my lap.

"I'm sorry." I whispered " I wanted to protect you and I couldn't. We were going to be together forever why did it have to end like this? I never even got to tell you how much I loved you." Tears fell freely down my cheeks as I just sat there with her wishing there was something I could do.

"Pity." I hears someone say from the corner. I look up to see Mrs Turner. "I was starting to like her. But oh well it was all part of the plan" She said

"What?" I ask

"Oh of course. You don't know do you?" She laughed

"Know what?" I asked

"Well for a long time now I was realizing with all my children and all the work I do there was one thing holding all my kids back." She said

I sit there silently waiting for more

"Emotions. You see not everyone can just kill another person. There's always some sort of guilt. You were always my best kid but since Kassie died I could see something different in you. The guilt of not being able to protect her made you weak. And that's when I realized something had to be done." She explains

"So-so what you decided you wanted us to not feel emotions how does Elizabeth dying have anything to do with that." I insist

"Well I've been trying this for a couple of years now and every other person I've tried it on had failed. So I did research and from what I found the stronger your emotions are the easier they are to turn off. So I thought about it and I thought the strongest emotion you could feel was heartbreak." She told me " I mean the death of the love of your life the betrayal of your best friend that had to bring out the strongest of emotions in you." She said

And she was right. What I was feeling right now was the most Ive ever felt.

"So what your saying was Elizabeth had to die all along. She was raised with you like a lamb to slaughter." I shout anger now filling me once again

"Now now Ruby. It was all part of a plan. It had to happen." She said acting like it made anything she'd just told me any better.

"And Emma. What about her? How did you pursued her to betray me." I asked

"Brainwashed her." Mrs Turner shrugged as if what she had just said was normal "You should be happy your not dead I could have very much just had you killed the moment I noticed you falling back on tasks." She continued

"Happy? You think I should be happy. No. No I think I'd rather you killed me. You know Sometimes death isn't the punishment. Sometimes the punishment is keeping someone who wants to die alive." I tell her standing up and walking straight over to her.

"Ruby listen. I'm giving you an opportunity right now. You have a choice. You can either be thrown into a change for trying to escape and killing one of your fellow siblings. And you can live the rest of you life with the heartbreak of losing Elizabeth and the guilt of killing an innocent friend. Or you can come with me and I'll make sure you never have to feel any of that. Not ever." She tells me reaching her hand out for me. And in a moment of despair in a moment of desperation to get rid of this hole I feel inside of me I took her hand.she smiled at me and together we walked out.

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