Chapter 40: "You are not him."

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His rut had arrived.

It was long overdue. It's possible that his barren and delayed rut period was due to the fact that he hadn't been comforted by omega pheromones for more than four months straight. Another factor could be that he unexpectedly entered a confined space full of omega pheromones just a few days earlier.

An omega's estrus cycle and an alpha's rut period were intrinsically linked and would mutually influence each other.

Jiang Yunshu massaged his forehead, straining to keep his heavy frame up. He couldn't stand upright because his head ached so terribly. When he wobbled again, he steadied himself by slamming his right hand onto the table.

Because of his strength, his fingertips morphed and grew pallid. A film of cold sweat soaked his back. All the exam papers fell off and scattered out on the ground as he fumbled to pick them one by one. The search for his phone ended quickly, and he soon dialled Zhou Zhaoyu's number.

Sweat trickled down the carpet as Jiang Yunshu shook his head. He tried his best to keep his voice steady, "Professor Zhou, my rut period has arrived. Bai Tang and I are both currently at home. Can I request you to get Bai Tang...Could you please look after him first? Right now. Is that possible?"

He had a searing headache and struggled to breathe. "I can pay you any amount you want afterwards, please."

Zhou Zhaoyu's cold voice came from the phone, "I will call Bai Tang, take care of yourself."

The second the phone call ended, Jiang Yunshu's composure he had held for so long crumbled. He collapsed and tumbled onto the bed, knocking down the iron box on the bedside table. He scooped up the pheromone blocking patches from the ground with his quivering fingers, haphazardly pasted them on his nape and injected himself with an inhibitor.

During their rut, alphas were 10 times more sensitive to omega pheromones. The pleasant scent of condensed milk remained on the tip of his nose, unabated. To keep himself conscious, he mercilessly knocked his temples real hard.

But, Bai Tang is in heat.

An omega in the throes of his estrus.

Jiang Yunshu was holding on to the last thread of his sanity when this realisation popped into his head. As a modern man, he had never imagined that the rut period would be so excruciatingly painful. It was as painful when a cerebral blood vessel ruptures, making blood circulate perpetually. There was almost nothing left, as if his liver had caught fire and been burning everything from the inside out. His rationality was on the edge of collapsing as primitive desires battered his head with rippling ferocity.

"Ah...." A few rough syllables escaped from his throat. Jiang Yunshu's eyes were bloodshot, and his steady attention was fixated on the door, his ferocious gaze expressing savageness and aggression, like a hungry wolf who had been starving for months.

Every cell in his body screamed: omega, omega... tear the omega apart.

The contents of the sex education pamphlet flooded back into Jiang Yunshu's mind. An exceedingly dangerous existence, the rut period of alphas is characterised by an antisocial mindset, a propensity for grave violence, and a high rate of crime.

He made a call with his knuckles to Bai Tang, and said with an imperceptible pain in his voice, "Bai Tang, it looks like my rut has arrived."

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

What is the omega up to right now?

Shouldn't he be in loose pyjamas, curled up into a frail and soft ball, exposing his jade white ankles?

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