🍂3rd wheel

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Walking around the high school is boring, sure I have my two best friends. But they third-wheel me constantly, it's just what I am.

A dream came out as gay. I knew the dream was desperately in love with George, but George was so tusyandere, and I'm certain he's not gay.

My hopeless romantic best friend.. ends up getting shot down, he thinks it's just a game or joke between them. I hang out one-on-one with a dream and all he does was rant. Saying how badly he'd like to bone gorge.

"Are two boyfriends yet? It's painful to attend to" I groaned.

"No, it will never happen just stop" George snapped.

Dream looked off sadly, "..it was all a joke.. yeah a joke.."

"I don't mind a joke but I'd perfer if sap just stopped with the boyfriend's agenda" George scoffed.

I knew that hurt dream. He loved George but even if it did happen George would be so toxic he doesn't like anything romantically.

I watch as dream readjusts his large green hoodie moving his darker end blond hair a bit as he put his mask on.

I hated it. He only wears it when he's hiding emotions, explicitly from it. That colorblind rat.

I nipped my lip looking off, I don't know why I haven't found love like dream has. I know jacobs likes me but I don't find him.. that applying but maybe...

If I get with Jim then the dream can have George and everything will be okay, I don't wanna play him though is the issue.

I don't love him. I feel no attraction to anyone. I'm not even completely sure of my feelings in any regard.

We stopped as I leaned on the lockers fixing my raven hair and tightening my ashy white, and overused banana.

Dream gave it to me when we wore it young, I never took it off unless sleeping.  Never really seen it with it off.

"So sappy when u gonna get a lover. I don't want you to be a third wheel" Dream said.

"Dunno. Not interesting in anyone at the moment" I mutter.

I'm trying to figure out why a certain person gets me all happy... when I hear them.... but I may never.

I feel jealous when he talks about the other, but it could just be bc he has someone and I don't.

I don't get this at all. I turn to look at jacobs who giggled and blushed.

"Karl does like u so maybe he'd be?" Dream adjusted.

I look off at the ground, "I don't think he's my type"

"Do you even know ur type man?" George asked in his thick British accent.

I paused and looked at him. "Yeah duh. I did have a lover"

"The blond girl with green eyes..? I think her name was amrika" Dream Said.

"We broke up bc I found I liked men. I didn't see her in the light she wanted. I saw her romantic but not the other way" I said.

We did try to be sexual, but uh I didn't find her naked hot and didn't get it up... and she left me that night.


Tw:homoboic shgangins  somewhere  later.

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