Chapter 1: What About It?

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"Grey, you're with me. Grab Little Grey too." Callie says as she ties the gown behind her back. "We have a trauma coming in. All we know is that there is a blunt force to the head, neck, and spine. We are all hands on deck."

I tie my gown and put on some gloves. I start to think of my mother, who died recently, and I feel like there's some part of me that thinks this hospital will always haunt me, regarding her. I think that this job, where I see myself in the foreseeable future, might never be mine. It might always be a part of her.

I snap out of my thoughts as the ambulance pulls into the hospital route and I push myself to move forwards.

"John Doe, aged approximately 40-50 years. Found underneath a bench with a whole load of mud. His last vitals are 120/50, stable. He has blunt trauma to the head, neck, and spine along with what seems to be both fractured legs. Complaining of some chest pain which seems to be cardiac lesions." The paramedic informs us as we transfer the patient and walk into the hospital.

"Trauma Room 1 and get the x-ray started, stat." Callie says, pulling into the room. "And why isn't Shepherd here yet?"

I set up an IV on him and his pressure tanks.

"We're losing him!" I say as I start chest compressions.

"Hold on! He has a DNR! You have to stop!" Alex says, as he enters the room, a grim look on his face.

"Time of Death: 10:41 A.M." Callie calls it and takes off her gloves and gown and walks off with anger.

"What the hell, Alex? How do you know he has a DNR? You might have just killed the man!" I say as I take off my gown and gloves too.

"It's him. That's the leader. That's the leader of the cult me and my brother were a part of. We all sign DNRs when we join." Alex replies, as he starts searching the body

I stare at him for a few seconds.

"Alex, what are you doing? What are you hoping to find?" I ask as I continue staring.

"He always carried it with him. I need it to show him."

"Alex, he's dead, he can't see anything you show him. Even metaphorically."

"Ha. There. " Alex says, holding up a small clear packet with white powder in it. Drugs.

"Alex, did you say you were a part of this gang too? Did you do drugs? Are you wanting or planning to go back?" I ask him, with a sense of urgency in my voice.

"No Mer, no. I'm never going back. I need to get them framed and jailed. That's what they deserve. Including my brother." Alex says as he puts on gloves and puts the packet in a medical waste bag.

A nurse enters the trauma room and says that he needs to clear the body and the waste. We exit the room and Alex puts the packet in his pocket.

"So, what are you gonna do now? Submit it to the police?" I ask him as we wait for the elevator.

"I'm gonna first get it tested to see if it's actually what I think it is and then I'm gonna give it to the police along with the location of the rest of the gang." Alex says as the elevator bell rings and the elevator opens with Derek in it.

"You go on, I'll take the next lift." Alex says, very clearly winking at me.

"Thanks." I call out to Alex as I walk into the lift.

Derek turns me around and gives me a kiss. I sink it in and I don't feel like breaking away ever.

He pulls away as our foreheads still meet and he says it.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The elevator bell dings once more as we break away. It was my floor.

I look at the OR Board as I get dressed for surgery. Callie walks in next to me, now having calmed down.

"Hey, you okay? You walked off when Alex came in.." I ask Callie

"I'm fine. I recognized the guy when Alex came in. The look Alex had on his face was enough to tell me. He was the guy that raped and murdered my sister 5 years ago." Callie says, and starts to suit up for surgery.

I'm in shock. Why do surgeons know such horrible people? Why do the people I care about always get pulled into such shit? I forget about it and focus on the patient who's about to go into surgery with us.

"Terrell Nicholson, aged 35. Going in for a hip replacement after consultation for 3 years." I pass on his chart to Callie. "His hip is to be replaced with a total prosthesis."

Me and Callie enter the OR and we start scrubbing. We put on the mask, gown, and gloves and begin with the hip replacement.

Alex runs into the hour about an hour into the surgery. "It's him. Gordev Gondorty." Alex declares as you can see the panic creep into Callie's face.

"Well, what about it?" She asks, panic now causing her voice to tremble.

"We have the proof, Callie. He was going to go to jail before he died. And now, the entire gang will plus his family. Don't you worry." Alex says with a sense of relief on his face.

Callie starts to cry in the OR and I understand how she feels so I take over for her and she steps out for a bit.

It feels weird to be caught in between this drama but honestly? I'm glad that I was there for my friends. 

Does it matter if my patient was an ex-member of this gang too? The patient open on my table at that very moment was a member of this gang. I overheard him arguing with his wife but I thought it was better to be left alone as I was aware of Callie's history with them. 

Well, what about it now?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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