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Aditi's pov:

After that incident that happed between me and jin , it was not awkward at all , and I am so glad about it.

Harleen: guys we are here!. Let's go.

Said Harleen and jin smiled looking at me . He got up first and offers me his hand which I gladly accepted.  We all got down from bus , and gathered around Harleen,

Harleen: so first we need to use boat to go towards palace, cause it's in center of this lake.

She pointed at the lake and everyone , oohed. Harleen already booked a motorboat for us all , so we didn't have to wait in line. Everyone got inside the boat , but I was still standing on the land. Everyone turned towards me in confusion.

Eunwoo: aditi? What's wrong.

Me : im sorry I can't do this, I'm scared !!

Jenni: scared?!

Harleen: oh shit ! I'm sorry I totally forgot that she is scared of deep water bodies.

The Boat was connected to land with a single log of wood , on which we have to walk to get on the boat , and that wooden log was thin , not surrounded with anything,  that means one wrong step and lake will engulf me .

Jhope: come on aditi , nothing will happen,  I will hold you .!

Me : no ! I'm fine here , you all go ahead I will wait for you all here , have a great tour !!

I waved at them all , and I heard harleen sigh . Sorry but I can't help it , I am so dam scared of deep water bodies. I looked at the wooden log again and saw it moving cause of the boat , and boat was moving because of water waves and that scared the shit out of me .
Then I saw junkook got up from his seat .
I looked at him confused, he passed from the wooden log like it's nothing and stand infront of me , I looked up at him , and he smiled looking down at me,  suddenly he bend down and picked me up in bridal style, I yelp Slightly, holding tight on his shoulders ,

Me : junkook what.....

I stopped when he started walking towards the boat taking me with him ,

Me : junkook no!!! ... please no , that wooden log will break cause our weight!! Junkook......

But he was walking ignoring me like I didn't exit in this world . I closed my eyes and snuggled into his neck, holding him tight , I can hear cracking noise of the wood , indicating that he was passing through it . Hey , Bhagwan!! Hume bachale!!!. 

Junkook: we are here !

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around to find myself on boat , my heart was still beating fast .

Junkook: should I put you down? .

I looked back at junkook, looking straight into his almond eyes, his colon hitting my nose , he smelled really good. I nodded Slightly and he smiled, he put me on a chair beside namjoon, sat on my other side .

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