Lovely Christmas.

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Third person POV;

The pink haired male stood on the green grass, admiring the nature infront of him, while the cold, winter wind blew. Checking his wrist watch from time to time, he waited for him.

"Ni-Ki, you idiot, where the heck are you?!" The boy cursed at his lover under his breath while he looked around trying to spot a mop of black hair.

Earlier this morning, he was faced with a call from the one he least expected, Ni-Ki. Which explains his current situation.

He feels a light tap on his shoulder, turning around he met the gaze of the one he missed the most. "Ni-Ki-ya." He said, followed by a punch he hit on the taller yet younger male's arm.

"What was that for, Sunoo?" The boy asked rubbing the area where he just got hit. At this, the shorter frowned. "You made me wait for fifteen minutes after saying that you would make it within five." He rolled his eyes after completing.

Ni-Ki looked at him lovingly, his eyes were hearts. A small, endearing smile formed on his lips as he admired his lover. "I'm sorry for that, and also for being rude that day." He confessed, his confession making Sunoo smile slightly as he tried to hide it.

"Whatever." He said and spun to the opposite side. Ni-Ki taking the opportunity to backhug the male. "I'm sorry, baby. What apology would you accept?" At this, the end of Sunoo's lips curved upwards as he let himself be hugged by the taller male.

"You should know that."

"Oh come on, you know I don't." Ni-Ki said, hugging him tighter. "I know you're just pretending, Ki."

The other male chuckled knowingly, he rubbed his right cheek against the shorter male's cheek. "Let's go sit there?" He asked his boyfriend as he nodded as the reply.

Both walked hand in hand to said spot and they sat down, admiring the nature infront of them. No one spoke a word. Occasionally, Ni-Ki stole glances from the pink haired.

"Ni-Ki?" The pink male spoke. "Yes?"

He looked at his boyfriend, his smile faltering. "You won't leave me, right?"

Ni-Ki had no answers. They were still too young and Ni-Ki was a foreigner. He didn't knew until when he would stay in Korea.

He didn't mean to fall in love when he first transferred, he just chose to stay away from girls, not knowing that he would fall in love with a bubbly, bright guy instead. "Never,"

Sunoo's faltering smile returned with full force, as he hugged the raven haired. "I'm sorry I said that, that day."

The pink haired shook his head. "It's alright. You're still young, I am still young. There might be confusion but we'll solve it together, right?" Ni-Ki nodded at this boyfriend.

The two lovers sat there like that, in eachother's warm embrace, in eachother's company under eachother's loving gaze. They might be young, but they were in love.


Jake woke up earlier than usual today. He spent the last night with his family, and went to sleep early. The boy has been panicking eversince he woke up.

He paced around the room multiple times. His parents had worried looks on their faces as they watched their son walking around the house in distress.

"Jaeyun honey? What's wrong?" His mother asked him, but the boy just zoned out.

"Must be girl problems." His father answered on his behalf but the female Sim couldn't be convinced; it wasn't a girl problem.

"I don't believe it, honey." She said to his father. The said boy woke up from his trance and started sighing.

「 the week before christmas 」↻heejake (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now