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Check if you've read the prologue posted yesterday before reading this

I hate getting disturbed in my deep slumber and something is so disturbing about tonight. I feel some warm sensation near my right ear and I feel like someone gripping my right arm. Who could it be? My mother?

Hmmm.. indeed, its her! Who else in our house braids their hair with jasmine flowers at this time? By the way, what is she upto? Is this her new way to torture me? Everyday, she wakes me up in the morning with her constant reminder of me having to practice waking up early since I am going to be married.. married?

I fling open my eyes and realise that whatever happened with me wasn't my dream. The proof is the floral decorated nuptial bed I am sleeping on.. The aroma of  jasmine flowers which till now I thought were worn by my mother in her hair came from here and..(gulped)

and.. the man I married is almost over my half of body making me feel paralyzed under his weight. His face is near my right ear and his warm breath is touching my ears. His fingers digging into my forearm. What is he doing? Why can't he sleep? Wasn't he angry at me just a few hours ago? As my eyeballs catches a glance at the clock on the side table I realise it was early morning hour.

What do I do? I annoyed him once by biting his lips and making him bleed, I can't angry him further. What if he leaves me on impulse due to my arrogance? Not that I am dying to stay with him either but if that happens, it will bring great humiliation upon my family. That is the last thing I would want to happen to my family whom I love so much.

He turned me to face him when he saw my eyes open and climbed on me completely putting his entire body weight on me. I looked at him with a pleading eye hoping that he would stop his torture but I was wrong.

He dug his head into the crook of my neck and started nibbling my skin. My entire body stiffened when I felt his boner poking on my thighs. At that moment, all I remembered was watching a Discovery Channel, the way the wild animal attacks the innocent herbivores animal by grabbing their neck. I wasn't in any better condition than that innocent herbivore.

I bit the insides of my lips to not scream or shriek as his hands hungrily ran over my clothes searching for the access to my skin. A portion of my brain was urging me to push him off making him fly thousand feet away from me, while the other portion constantly reminded me of its consequences.

"Fuck!! Sahana.. how do I open this?", He sounded slightly irritated as he lustfully whispered those words near my ears which froze my blood circulation to my brain.

The moment I heard my name "Sahana", I was reminded of its meaning. Clutching the bedsheets with both my hands, I obeyed my second portion of the brain, i.e. to keep quiet and tolerate whatever was happening with me for the sake of my family.

When I didn't reply him, he raised his head up to take a look at the kind of clothes I was wearing. I was wearing a loosely fit t-shirt and cotton trouser so when he couldn't find any buttons on it, his hands travelled to my waist. I gasped as his hand touched my skin when he slipped it inside the t-shirt. My breathing turned uneven while his actions became even wilder after he sensed the touch of my skin.

I gasped and clutched the bedsheet even firmer yet again when his hand groped my bosom over my inner wear while his face dug into the crook of my neck. My stomach churned as he kneaded my delicate bosom with his hand while biting my neck.

"Are you liking it?", He whispered near my ears making me wanting to puke on his face instantly. I bit the insides of my lip to not make any noise.

I released my breath, which I had been holding due to his torture since the time that felt like a decade, when his hands left my breast and came out of the t-shirt.

"I want to see it.. get up.. let's take this off", he spoke giving me a bigger jolt. Without delay he pulled me up and held the hem of my t-shirt to strip it off my body.

I clenched my eyes shut remembering all the possible Gods existing in the universe. At that moment, there was a knock on the door making my faith in the existence of the God stronger. I opened my eyes and saw his annoyed face. This has to be the first time in my lifetime when I felt happy looking at someone's annoyed face.

"Brother... Brother..", the knocks on the door got louder.

"What is it?", He yelled in annoyance while he was still settled on my thighs.

"Mom is calling Sister-in-law for some post marriage rituals. Could you please wake her up and ask her to get ready?", Said my saviour's voice who happened to be none other than his sister.

"Okay, leave now.", He yelled in frustration.

"Why are you yelling at me? Huh!! Be quick..", she reminded one again irritating him even more.

"Argggghhhh..", he grumpily rolled down from my thighs releasing my life under the pressure of his male genital which was crushing me eversince. I sighed a breath of relief. Unable to hold back the happiness, I chuckled and soon looked at him in fear when I realised that he heard it. His eyes were staring at me already and I lowered my head instantly.

He held my wrist and yanked me closer to him making me bump into his chest.

"Will continue tonight from where we left. I can't wait to see what I felt under your dress.", He said in his husky voice and I trembled in fear. I twisted my wrist to release from his clutches but he pulled me closer and quickly kissed my lips.

"I really hope you learn how to kiss at the earliest. I can't put up with these naive kisses.", He said reminding me that he had kissed someone else before me. I pulled my hand away from his grip before I walked towards the washroom.

I rinsed and gargled my mouth multiple times to get rid of his remains in my mouth. Standing under the shower I washed off my body while scrubbing it intensely as I could constantly feel his groping touch on my body.

All the time my mind constantly posed me questions - how do someone indulge in intimacy without any feeling of love or emotions towards the other person? Though I married him and he is my husband, does it give him the right to jump on me without even giving me a chance to know him or without even my consent?

Besides his name, qualifications and profession, I have absolutely no knowledge about him. I don't know his likes/dislikes, his habits, his characteristics and personality. Weren't they important before offering yourself to someone?

No matter how much I washed, scrubbed and cleaned, I was still unsatisfied. I wiped myself before wearing a fresh pair of clothes and walking out of the bathroom. He was sitting on the edge of the bed and glanced at me.

"I thought you slept inside.", He said since it took me so long.

I nodded my head in denial and walked towards my wardrobe. I had to drape yet another traditional saaree for the rituals, as instructed by my mother, which couldn't be done in the bathroom.  That's why I had carried my pyjamas to wear after bathing. I had hoped he would be asleep again when I came out which would allow me to dress comfortably. As I contemplated on how do I change my clothes, I heard the bathroom door close.

Pfttt.. He is gone inside the bathroom. I need to change quickly before he comes out. But.. what if he comes out while I am in the process of changing? I have no idea how long he would take to come out.

"Aaahhh.. aaahhh.. aahhh.."

I froze when I heard a moaning and groaning noise of a lady coming from the bathroom. I looked at the closed door with my eyes wide open and took sometime to register that he was watching porn inside the bathroom.

Argggghhh.. how can I forget that he had been excited a few minutes back so he would take some time to come out. With this, I was assured that I can change without hesitation. Yet to make sure that he doesn't barge in while I am undressed, I latched the bathroom door from outside.


To be continued..

Sahana - Be Patient!! (Slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now