Chapter 1

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Thursday, July 16th

Tom's POV

Mom, Dad and I were at Eagle County Regional Airport waiting for my big brother Sam, who is 15 years older than me (he turned 21 on February 1st). Sam lives in Boston, MA, and just finished his Junior year at Harvard. Right now it's summer vacation and Sam is coming to Eagle, Colorado for a few weeks to be with our parents and me! I'm super excited to have him back. With all the work his university gives him and the fact that we don't live in the same state and that 7 hours of flight separate us, I don't have the opportunity to see him very often. So when he comes home I am always extremely happy to see him.

As I start to get impatient on my chair, I hear the sound of the wheels of a suitcase approaching more and more. I look up and see a tall, handsome, athletic young man with dark brown hair styled in a sort of a quiff haircut, eyes as green as mine, and a big smile drawn on his lips that reveals straight, perfect white teeth. It's my brother!

"Sam!" I exclaim as I stand up and run towards him. He stops when he sees me coming, kneels down and opens his arms wide to let me throw myself into his embrace.

"Tom! My favorite little brother! I missed you!" he said as he hugged me with a brotherly kiss on the top of my head.

"I'm your only brother Sam." I retorted with a funny look as if he was an idiot.

"You're still my favorite brother!" he added before straightening up and ruffling my slightly curly hair, which was much less in place and less stylish than his. He went to hug our parents who were waiting patiently behind me.

"Mom! I'm super happy to see you again!" announced Sam.

"Honey, I missed you too. Are you okay?" my mom asked him.

"Did you have a good trip son?" my dad added.

"Yes, everything went well. It's good to be back home for a few weeks."

After the emotional reunion, the four of us headed to my dad's car, a big 7-seat Range Rover SUV, which we had come in so we could drive home. Yes, my father is a powerful American corporate attorney and my mother is a well-known and respected cardiologist in the medical field. They make a very good living, and it is because of them that Sam and I have a very comfortable life, and that Sam was able to go to Harvard and live in a house in Boston.

"So how was that first year in Kindergarten, Tom?" my brother asked me.

"It was great! My teacher was so nice and I made a lot of friends." I replied. "I'm also in the ski club, and next year I'm gonna be in the competitive ice hockey group."

"Ah how lucky! But that's great, it means that you're getting better at it. We'll be able to compete, and see which one of us is the best." Sam added as he gave me a little shoulder tap and a wink, which made me chuckle. "And otherwise, are you ready to get into 1st grade?"

"Yes, but... I prefer vacation!" I replied, which made my brother and parents laugh as they listened to our conversation. "And you, what grade are you entering in the fall?"

"Oh... I'm going into my last year at Harvard to finish my college degree, and then I hope to go to Harvard School of Dental Medecine to become a dentist. So I'm not quite done with school yet. I still have a few years left."

Ouch! Dentist! I hate the dentist! It's not that my dentist is mean or not patient, no, but I don't like the fact that people are looking inside my mouth. I feel vulnerable and helpless when that happens. Whenever my parents try to take me to the dentist, it always ends up in long hours of tiring negotiations that piss everyone off. But hey, I understand Sam. He has perfect teeth, they're straight, white, without any stains or any problems. And he's pretty proud of it. Unlike me who started losing my baby teeth a couple of years ago and who has new permanent teeth that grow a little crooked and not very straight.

"I want to be an airplane pilot," I said to Sam. "Then I can travel all around the world and fly."

"That's a great job too! But you'll need a few more years of school then." he announced to me, which made me pout. No, I don't hate school, but let's just say I'd rather have a vacation and play than get up every morning and go to work.

We arrived home a few minutes later, and after Sam finished putting all his stuff away, we both headed out to the pool in the backyard.

These next few weeks with Sam are going to be wonderful, I can feel it!

But boy, was I wrong...


(A/N): I sincerely hope you enjoyed this first chapter. The first two chapters of this story are a sort of prologue to set the scene. The events will greatly intensify from the third. So, stay tuned!


My brother - My dentistOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant