Cloe and Milly

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Even as a child, Cloe had always been a little fatter than the others. The dark-haired girl had already had a small belly at school, which was easily visible under her T-shirt in the summer. But at that time, she still passed for chubby and her parents said to themselves that this would grow over time. However, contrary to expectations, this did not happen. The main reason for Cloe's chubby appearance was her diet. Neither Cloe nor her parents changed her diet, so she continued to eat chocolate, chips and the like. This put her parents' expectations into perspective. At seventeen, their daughter was now slightly overweight. Her belly was fatter and her breasts larger than the other girls in her school class. But hardly anyone had a real problem with her being fat.

Her best friend Milly knew that Cloe had a problem with changing her diet. But Cloe had also told her that it didn't bother her that she was fatter than the others. By now it had become June and it was the last day of school before summer vacation when the two girls talked one more time before going on vacation. "I'd like to go away too," Cloe said, "but we're staying home this year." "If you had said that earlier, we could have taken you," Milly replied to her. "All good! Then I'll just have to be careful not to go any further apart in the next six weeks," Cloe said with a laugh, knowing how hard it would be for her to watch her weight. "Otherwise, I'll just roll you into school after the vacations," Milly joked. "I don't think I'll be that fat." As the two girls said their goodbyes, Cloe headed home. During the vacations, Cloe was home most of the time because she was just too bored without her best friend. She kept catching herself snacking. Cloe didn't even notice that she was continuing to gain weight.

At the end of the vacations, she saw Milly again and she spoke to her about it, because under her top her rolls of flab were showing. "Could it be that you've gotten fatter?" asked Milly cheekily. "You think so?" asked Cloe, who didn't really know. "Yes, your belly is much fatter than before the vacations," said her friend. "And so what, such a big belly is great," replied Cloe. "Why do you like your belly so much?" asked Milly. Cloe had to think, but she didn't really know how to answer. "I never thought about it, maybe because I've always been fat. But I don't really know myself," she said.

The next day Milly came to Cloe after school. Today it was again a topic of conversation that Cloe had gained weight. Cloe ate cookies as she did so, but her friend wouldn't take anything. "How much do you weigh?", Milly asked her friend. "I don't know", she answered. "Then weigh yourself," she asked her friend and went with her into the bathroom where the scales were. Both were astonished when the scale showed 160 lbs. "You're really fat," Milly said. "I know," Cloe said with a grin, slapping her fat belly. Now it was Milly's turn, she weighed 126 lbs. "You're a lightweight," Cloe said, "you might as well put on some weight if I'm going to get this fat."

Since the summer, Cloe seems to have lost her last inhibitions and keeps stuffing herself. When she meets with Milly in the afternoon, the girl is almost always eating. But her friend apparently got bored with watching Cloe eat all the time and finally started eating along with her. From now on they met almost every day and filled their bellies. Even though Milly was eating much more than before, she couldn't keep up with Cloe's rapid growth.

... four years later

Cloe and Milly are now twenty-one years old. After graduating from high school three years ago, the two looked for an apartment together. In the last three years, the two have continued to gain weight and have become really fat. Cloe's big belly now consists of two rolls of flab and her full breasts now hang down. She now weighs 256 lbs. Milly has also left her slim figure behind in recent years and has also become fatter. She has gained weight especially on her buttocks, which have become really big and soft, and when she walks her wide thighs rub against each other. At 216 lbs, she is much lighter than her best friend. In the next few years, the two girls will surely grow even further apart and become even fatter than they already are.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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