Chapter 2

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Handing over his damp coat gets Louis a pink casino chip in exchange. The number 28 is written across its surface, right underneath a glittery-gold halo. On the back there are wings. Of course there are. Because apparently, it's that kind of establishment.

Establishment. Yes, that's the perfect word. It implies more grandeur than premises, hints at an exotic history. Place of business, while accurate, is just too dry and frankly boring. This isn't just a strip joint, this is a gentlemen's club. A very gay one.

"You gonna spring for a premium lounge? Or just the standard admission?"

Louis turns to Nick, dragging his eyes away from the long and dimly lit corridor, walls lined with suede drapes. Honestly. This is exactly the sort of place Harry would work at. "What's the difference?"

Nick claps him on the back, grinning wolfishly. "It'll get you almost any private room upstairs, or one of the booths, where you can look down over the railing and still enjoy the performances on stage. You just have -- ah, more privacy, if you know what I mean."

He slings his arm around Louis' shoulder and steers them down the hallway, their shoes sinking into the deep carpet. There's a fit guy waiting at a little reception area. He's got a pair of wings strapped to his back, the white feathers offset by the deep green of the huge door beside him.

"If you go for a champagne ticket though, then you get it all."

Louis squares his shoulders. He's come here with a specific purpose in mind, wants to see where Harry works. He's got the money, he might as well go for the option that will leave him with the most freedom to move around. He isn't particularly interested in any of the other privileges he gets with that deal, but he's polite enough to ask, "like what?"

"Yeah you know. Free choice of any upstairs room, obviously, free choice of anyone to go with you." Nick turns his predatory grin to the guy they just reached. "Isn't that right, love?"

A flirty yet professional smile appears on the guys face and he nods. He's good-looking, his chest heavily muscled, tattooed and oiled, glinting enticingly in the dim lighting. He looks vaguely familiar, but Louis can't really place him.

"If you order a champagne pass with me, you will indeed have free choice of any upstairs room, as well as anyone that catches your fancy and is wearing a pair of these wings." He turns, displaying his in greater detail. "Any available dances are included, but please remember, we do not allow touching here, especially when it comes to the private dances. And absolutely no soliciting our staff. Tonight, you'll have a choice of over fifteen angels. Should I put you down for a champagne pass?"

"How much is that?" Louis asks.

"That'd be twenty seven hundred for each of you, payable by card upfront. That price includes what we've already covered, as well as complimentary drinks from any of the bars on the first and second floor. If you're looking for something more exclusive in terms of beverages, I can recommend the executive bar on the third floor. The alcohol from there is not included in the price, but we did just receive a particularly nice shipment of some 1998 Dom Pérignon."

Nick nudges his side. "Come on, big shot. It's not like you can't afford it. Or are you getting cold feet?"

"Just deciding if your sorry arse is worth almost three grand."

Nick tips his head back and laughs. "Please. You know it is."

Louis rolls his eyes because Nick is such a liar. He'll probably disappear within seconds of them going inside and Louis will be left to his own devices. But maybe that's why he's chosen Nick over Zayn for this little outing.

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