chapter 9 part 2

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Louise - I decide to get on more round of shots in then stop as callum and mum are worried and don't want me getting 2 drunk after I down both vodka shots I go over to callum and start snogging him

callum- Louise has just come over to me and starts snogging me 2 mins later we pull away

Louise - after me and callum pull away I whisper in his ear lets go up 2 my bedroom

callum - u sure babe you want to do this after everything

Louise -don't worry babe I want to do u have condoms on you

callum - yeah I do but what about your mum

Louise - - my mum is to busy getting drunk she wont even notice I take callums hand and we go upstairs into my bedroom we start undressing each other and callums in me he going fast and harder OMG CALLUM YOU ARE SO GOOD

callum - awwwww babe you are so good

hour later

Tulisa - I am got another round of vodka shots and start downing them and WHERE THE HELL IS LOUISE ??? Louise babe where are u

Louise - shit come quickly get dressed my mum shouting me so me and callum quickly get dressed  callum goes down first then I go down second

Tulisa - where did u get off 2?

Louise - I was just went 2 the toilet weren't feeling well but I am fine now so mum get another round in

callum - hey Tulisa if your getting another round I want to do some shots 2

Tulisa - alritte u 2 got the rounds in 123 GO

Tulisa + Louise+ callum - we all  just downed the shots bloody hell vodka does burn your throat alrite

Louise - woooop woooop  this is the best party ever thanks to my gorgeous mum and boyfriend

3 hours later we all decide to call it a night

Louise - I walk callum 2 the door and give him a kiss good night I BLOODY LOVE YOU

callum - night baby and I  love u  2

Louise - I walk back over 2 my mum

Tulisa - so has my baby girl had a good party then ?

Louise - yeah its been the best mum thank you

Tulisa - your welcome darling we should go 2 bed

Louise - alrite night mum love ya I go up stairs 2 my bedroom and just cant be bothered to put pjs on so I decide to sleep naked and I just go 2 sleep

Tulisa - I am walk up 2 my bedroom and just fall on my bed then I   just got 2 sleep

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