chapter 2 - it's always bar first

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TW: Sexual Harassment

CAREFULLY, Avery slipped on her glittery silver dress and applied some silver eyeshadow onto her eyelids. Her hair was in a half-up half-down slicked back spiky bun, and she wore jet black knee high boots around her legs. "Gi, you ready?" she said as she slipped on a Vivienne Westwood pearl white necklace. The girl stood in the full body-length mirror, scamming her appearance and touching up anything that needed it.

"Yeah, let's go!" replied Georgia as she finished putting in her earring. "You ready to carry drunk me home?"

"Or stoned," chuckled Avery pulling a satin black handbag from the wardrobe.

Georgia laughed and locked the door as the pair of them walked out of the apartment and down the stairs, "You know me so well V," she said smiling back at the blonde.

The two girls finally reached the bottom floor of the building, and before they knew it: they where entering the lit up night city.

"It's so beautiful at night."

Avery smiled up at the sky, "I love it."

"Yes, good, amazing, brilliant! But you'll love it even more when we're at the club!" said Georgia, pulling Avery into the taxi with her.


It wasn't long before the taxi stopped and they arrived at the club. The pair walked in stylishly side by side and looked at each other giggling.

The brunette gripped Avery's hand, "Bar first?"

The girl nodded, "Always bar first," and before she knew it, was being pulled along by her friend. They passed through crowds of people all dancing and singing as the music blasted through the stage speakers. Avery had always loved any sort of parties.

She found them fun and wild, like they were some sort of solution to just take your problems away for a night. She loved them because for her, they were an escape from reality.

Softly, she propped herself onto a chair at the bar and ran her fingers along the counter and after about ten minutes, she'd already had over a dozen shots.

Suddenly, a familiar presence was stood behind her, and her chair immediately spun around, "Fancy seeing you here," he said.

"Butler? Why are you at the club? I didn't see you as a party type person," murmured Avery.

He took a seat next to her and gestured for a beer, "Well neither did I for you, how many drinks have you had?"

"Only a few," she slurred fixing her posture and patting her clothes, "Well, I'm off to party now, see ya!" she finished taking another shot and lifting the glass up to the roof as she swung her arm about.

Austin's eyes fixated on her dress and he raised an eyebrow, sipping his beer.

The blonde pushed her way through the crowd and began to dance, swaying her hips and lifting both her arms up into the air. It was no hidden secret that she wasn't exactly sober, but she wasn't hammered yet.

After about two hours or so, Avery's vision gradually began to change as it became blurry and sounds rang loudly in her ears. She'd had much more drinks by now, and was probably not in her best state.

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