The face of the past war was quiet

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I woke up, and the spoon was not on the table.
I looked in the mirror, and the human was not there, I was not there. Past memories kept washing my present face, the same like a shower that steered the sand on my skin. I want you to peel yourself off, but you stay.
How could I not remember you? The one that stayed. The eyes that could see in the back, but didn't tell anyone what.
I let go trying to find the place, because you have forgotten.
Looking up I see the flesh of the world keeping itself alive, not allowing the air inside.
But it was raining inside, through the roof, through me, and through my skin. Every drop of rain was acid for my surface, and got through the sheel. However, I m not an ocean of water drops, and i am not acid from the water, because i m not existent in this small world of mine, the big world.
I m too little and insignificant in this labirinth of yours, but does not matter because i am something, and something has no sense, even if it s lacks meaning. There is hope, but there is also none.

Feeling the falling through the layers of consciousness, I recognize my vivid memory that make you realize what kind of human I am.
  Could I be a dog?
The crusted skull floats in my skin, it s going somewhere, but i stay in one place forever.
I was alive yesterday, yet somehow today i'm not. Time changes, i am changed, i am past. I am a dial, i am a memory. Or just a dog?

The thing in the back of my mind is talking to me, or is not?
-It s as if you are a leaf," it whispers. "You fall when your time comes. The only difference is that you are a human, not a leaf, so you may die when it is not your time. Or, perhaps you are like an enormous tree, with countless leaves, and when you disappear, fragments of yourself fall away and vanish as if nothing even happened, when as a three u weren't even supposed to do that. Yet, at this moment, you are merely the superficial surface of your skin. Who is this 'you'? Who are you?

What I find strange is how calmly the face of the past war appeared. I didn t realize that I knew, or rather, didn t know that i was capable of thinking about the last war. A war between the two.

Was i thinking with myself about myself? Since when? That s not me. That s the entity in the back of my mind, except it lacks an identity. That's the dog.
Did he bite? I don't know his history, but he seems to knows mine. To bad I can't see him while he can. Why does he has the power? Aren't i the human?
Oh yeah, the human was not there.

I believe I am a dog, or just the dog. And i see now that i'm blind.

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