Dark India

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Respected Readers;

I am Avnika, another Indian citizen who have faced and had known to Indian society in every circumstance. I am living in it, just like you all do it, everyday. And you all can say we have experienced our people more, right? So, basically this book is related to me, my stories and thoughts about Indian society.

There is a dark side of India, not only India, every country has its dark side.
If you are an Indian then you know your country's problems. Let's try to see and improve. Let's deal with this Dark together.

I am here to let out my thoughts on my country. I respect Mother India from my whole heart, but respecting narrow minded thoughts of our society is what I am opposing here.

We all have heard a slang saying, 'Every coin have two sides.' and here we also have two sides of our country, bright and dark. Bright side always shines, but I am going to talk about dark.

I am not going to badmouth about my Mother India, I'm here to speak about the wicked ritual and thoughts practiced in our holy land only to break us.

Conclusion: I am going to portray 'Bharat' of my thoughts with all good and bads of it.

I'll accept all good and hates of yours.


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