Our love Concerto (Tchaikovsky x male reader)

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     Tchaikovsky and reader were penpals for about 2 years now. His pen pal lived all the way in Germany while Tchaikovsky lived in Russia. After all this time of talking he had eventually fallen in love with the boy. How did they start talking? Well reader accidentally wrote the wrong address while sending a letter and it just so happened to be to Tchaikovsky, ever since then they could not stop talking. Tchaikovsky had been fascinated by the details he used in his letters and always was able to console him whenever he had problems. At the same time Tchaikovsky's music had began to be becoming more and more popular by the day and started going on tours to different countries which meant loosing time to talk to reader. Reader noticed the less they had been writing, well he kept writing but rarely got a reply back.  One day he was drinking tea while listening to Tchaikovskys beautiful music until he got a knock on his door, he went to open it to see a letter at the doorstep his eyes lit up in excitement and immediately opened it. There were a bunch souvenirs from his travels and a note. It read I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk as much as before, I have been busy with tours to get my music up but I have good news! I'm going to Germany for a concert and I'm giving you tickets so we can finally meet. A big smile appeared on readers face as he looked behind the letter to see a ticket and realized it was front row seats. Damn he thought, he would finally meet the man he had been writing to and had developed a crush on- wait that's weird wouldn't that make you gay and your not gay right plus he would think your weird. Or maybe he was just in denial but Tchaikovsky wouldn't like that would he. Oh well.
     As the day of the concert arrived reader had gotten ready quicker than he ever had before and he was out of his house in seconds and making his way to the concert hall. By the time he arrived he saw him, the beautiful man himself. Tchaikovsky. He was in awe he saw him in the papers but never in person, and damn he was hot. He was all dressed up in a suit with a conductor baton in hand preparing the orchestra and soloist for the piece their about to preform. As he was staring he realized that Tchaikovsky didn't know what he looks like. He never thought about sending a photo of himself to him so how would he know. Tchaikovsky hadn't told anyone about this right? So he wouldn't think he were faking- at least he hoped so. He walked up to Tchaikovsky but suddenly felt really nervous, " what if he doesn't like your looks and kicks you out and never talks to you again?" Reader realized he needed to man up and grow some balls and talk to him.
He slowly started taking steps towards the man and started shaking a bit when he got closer and closer. "H-hey Pyotr!" Tchaikovsky wiped around in excitement remembering who might be here today. "It's me! Male reader Ehe in person.." Reader said nervously and let out a chuckle and started to blush realizing that he was staring. "Wow" Tchaikovsky thought. He was way more handsome than he expected. He started to blush once he realized he was staring for far to long and it looked like reader was getting uncomfortable. "Ah yes so today we'll be performing my violin concerto and you can just have a seat right there." He pointed to a seat right in front as it said on the ticket. Reader happily ran  over to the seat and sat patiently watching Tchaikovsky waiting for the concert to start.
     He watched as the man conducted, he realized just how beautiful his music is, well not as beautiful as the writer himself. But the way his hand just flew to the beat of the instruments playing together in sync. He was flabbergasted in a good way and the rest of the time he tried to live in the moment.
When it finally ended he was the first to stand and clapped the loudest with a big smile on his face. After everyone left he ran up to Tchaikovsky and gave him a big hug not wanting to let go as he let his arms sink into his back and rest his head on the man's shoulder. It took Tchaikovsky a second to realize was doing but once he did he hugged him back and did the same slightly blushing but not trying to show too much to not scare him away. Once they finally pulled away they just stared at eachother in the eye and smiled.
They realized their time together was limited so reader invited Tchaikovsky to his place for a cup of tea. They talked together and really got to know each other quickly this time and not having to wait for the letter to send then get sent back. They talked as much as they could before they had to part ways for a bit. There was a moment where reader looked into his eyes and felt like just yelling "I LOVE YOU" because he really did and he couldn't hide his feeling anymore but at the same time he doesn't want to lose him so he tried his best to keep it to himself.
Then the tragic time came where they had to leave Tchaikovsky had to go live his dreams preform with orchestras and become big while reader had to stay home in Germany. They stood side by side as Tchaikovsky hugged reader for the last time for a while and just stood there not daring to break the hug. He then stepped on his boat and sailed away with reader left behind staring as the man he loved dearly but just couldn't say it out loud left him.
Reader felt sick without Tchaikovsky by his side the warmth he felt with him he didn't feel with anyone else, he couldn't believe that he had actually fallen in love and he was going crazy over it. He tried his hardest to get him out his head but he couldn't. Why did it have to be someone so far away from him someone who couldn't be by his side all the time he loved him but he didn't know what to do about it.
Tchaikovsky made it to Russia where he would rest for a bit before traveling again to preform. He wanted to write a new piece but at the same time wanted to write to his dear reader. Tchaikovsky picked up the pen, careful not to let any ink drip on his perfect page. Or he would have to do it again. As he had repetitively done for 2 hours. A dozen of crumpled paper balls littered his workspace. He was running out of room, as such he was running out of time. Thoughts and feelings engulfed him, and everything seemed like a blur. Then, in that raging storm in which was his emotions, he saw a light. He saw it clearly. Reader. Reader, his light in the confusion which was his mind. He put Tchaikovsky at ease. But Tchaikovsky couldn't keep Reader worrying, waiting for even just a sign that Tchaikovsky hadn't forgotten. He'd never dream of it. "So he placed the pen on the page, and started to write. Unlike before, the words flowed gracefully, like ripples dancing on top of a lake. His hands had a mind of their own.After pouring his soul out into the pages long letter, he let the ink dry, and played the piano. Of course, whenever he had time to pass, he'd play the piano. But this time, he remembered the ripples on that lake. He envisioned dancers gracefully gliding on top of the water. He saw swans, fluttering their wings they too danced in unison. And he heard that melody. That melody in which made him feel like Reader was right next to him. He could feel his presence, and Tchaikovsky let his hands take him away, to a place and to a time where he could be together with his dearest, Reader. He realized this was perfect, a romantic piece for the one he loves dearly and only ever will, it was perfect. After letting out all his emotions he finally was able to get the letter out. He picked a paper up and wrote. "To my dearest, Reader,

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