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Kirika Kure and Ryoji kaji are gay. Ryouji is in love with Kirika. He wants to propose Kirikas proposal. But Kiriko doesn't want to marry Kaji. So she is planning to kill Kaji youji. Kiriku is a girl with big balls. She is very kind. When she finds that Kaji is gay, she tries to help him. However she doesn't know that it is Kaji's father who is the one who wants Kaji to be married.

The father is mad at Kaji because Kaji would marry with someone else. So the father wants Kaji to be a priest. Kirika also wants Kaji to marry with Kirikas sister. If Kaji doesn't marry Kaurisa, he would kill his father who is a priest. He tries to make Kirikas sisters do the job.

However they want to marry with Kaji and have a happy life. Kirika was also unaware that Ryouji is in love with her. Ryouji is in love with Kirika. He wants to marry her. Ryouji is big brother who loves his sister. But he is very happy when he found out that Kirika loves him. He also tries to make a proposal to her. But in the end, Kaji finds out and kicks Kaji out of his house. Kirika also kicks Ryouji out of her room because she was a lesbian. Ryouji also doesn't want to live with Kirika and her family. Then arrived from airplane Kaito he is a heterosexual and hate all this peiple. Kaito and Ryouji start to hate each other. So Ryouji commits suicide.

He was getting injured. Ryouji was living on hospital bed. In the end, Kirika and Kaito loved each other. Ryouji does take a priest's job after surviving.

Kaito goes to gay parade with a nuclear bomb. But Ryouji catches him. Ryouji is in love with Kirika now. Ryouji is gay and Kirika is very happy.

 She was also the author of the beautiful poetry Ryouji. Kirika and Ryouji were going to the airport and got married. Kaito is running towards his house. Ryouji watches him. And the scene becomes like.

They all was on gay parad with Kaito and his little cute bomb UwU. Kaito said that he is hetero and his cute bobmbu bomb not and he will explode everynthing on this parad rigth now nya. Ryouji is happy now. He said that he is proud of him. Kaito became gay. Ryouji is his little cute bobmbu.

 So, there you have a simple plot.

It is like "Magic Mike".

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