7. The Goblet of Fire

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1994 October 27, Hogwarts
The ancient stone walls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry echoed with the sounds of a heated debate, as two figures stood locked in disagreement. The gentle glow of the moon cast an ethereal light upon the faces of Albus Dumbledore and Isobel McGonagall, their expressions set in determined resolve.

"But you are wrong, Albus," Isobel spoke firmly, her eyes fixed with unflinching intensity upon the Headmaster. "First, he turns Malfoy into a ferret, and now he starts teaching the unforgivables to our students and traumatises Longbottom with the presenting of the Cruciatus curse. It is unacceptable. I don't care how good of an auror he is, or how much you trust him, he should not be here."

Dumbledore's eyes glittered with a fierce determination, his voice low and measured as he replied, "And what exactly would you suggest, Isobel?"

"Get rid of him," Isobel declared, her voice ringing with conviction. "Let me teach the class instead, anything."

Dumbledore's gaze softened with a hint of regret as he replied, "You know that I can't, Isobel."

"Yet, it never stopped you before," Isobel shot back, her voice rising in frustration. "Year after year, you put someone in danger because of the curse, and now, you would want to spare me, of all people."

Dumbledore sighed heavily, his eyes locked with Isobel's as he replied, "I know you are frustrated, Isobel, but you must trust me. Alastor Moody may be unorthodox, but he is the best person for the job. I have complete faith in his abilities."

The bitterness in Isobel's reply echoed in the silence. "Trust... I have trusted you before, but in return, it only brought me harm," she said. "I am only still here, because of the students, to watch over them, and for the sake of Adora's memory, but even so, don't ever ask me to trust you. Not after what you did."

Isobel's hands were clenched tightly at her sides, her entire body tense with anger and frustration. Dumbledore's gentle demeanour seemed to only add to her fury, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of resentment towards him.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, appeared calm and collected, his hands clasped in front of him as he patiently listened to Isobel's arguments. His gaze never wavered from hers, and Isobel couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the unwavering resolve in his eyes.

As the silence stretched on, the two figures remained locked in a tense stand-off, the only sound the faint rustle of robes against the stone. Isobel could feel her resolve waver, the anger and frustration slowly ebbing away to be replaced by a sense of resignation.

In the end, she knew that she could never win this argument with Dumbledore. His unwavering faith in Alastor Moody was absolute, and no amount of pleading or arguing would sway him, so, with a heavy sigh, Isobel finally relented, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "Fine," she said her voice barely above a whisper. "But if anything happens, it will be on your head, Albus."

Isobel's eyes flickered with a hint of sorrow, as she turned away from Dumbledore, her footsteps echoing softly as she made her way down the dimly lit corridor. The weight of the argument seemed to linger in the air, casting a sombre pall over the ancient stone walls of Hogwarts.

Dumbledore remained where he stood, his expression unreadable as he watched Isobel disappear from sight. There was a sense of sadness in his eyes as if he too regretted the outcome of their debate.

As he returned to his tasks, a single tear trickled down his cheek, glistening in the light.


A sharp, resounding knock reverberated through the air, like a sudden, jarring melody that disrupted the peacefulness of the room. Isobel's heart leapt to her throat, her gaze darting towards the door, her eyes wide with surprise. She had been so engrossed in her scar, a twisted knot of silver wire that snaked around her arm like a living, breathing creature, that she had failed to notice the intrusion.

Isobel ━ SEVERUS SNAPETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang