A Sick Love Story

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This is based on a true story just to let you know! :) I really love him and he really loves me, but he does have a girlfriend he loves too.

To the story...

I loved him, he loved me, but he had a girlfriend he loved too. I wanted to say alot to him, but I don't like to pour out my feelings to him. It was weird for me, but he was my bestfriend and Mr. Demanding. I couldn't say no to him. He was perfect to me. The problem was the age difference. He was 17 and I was 13. He was emo, smoked weed, and cutt hearts into his wrist because he believed no one loved him... but I loved him more than myself. He was a senior I was in 7th grase but i could skip a grade if the school would let me. They considered me an 8th grader they said and when I got to highschool they said I could skip. I wanted to kiss all his scars and make him not feel pain. I want his pain from his abusive father to be mine. He said he wouldn't do it if he could because all the stuff in my life already. My dad was on drugs, he cheated on my step mom for 5 years, when i was with my mom I wnet to 11 schools in 3 years. Her boyfriends beat her and I always had to stop it. I thought when I went with my dad it would be better... but it wasn't.

Anyways back to the story. He was an angelic perfect boy and I'd die for him. I'd do anything for him... Jaredelle was his name. I called him Storm because he was a gentle beautiful storm. He didn't really like me talking about oher guys it really annoyed him. When he was angry he was adorable he didn't know I thought that. He said he didn't get jealous but I wasn't born yesterday. He was like an Indian Summer in the middle of winter to be honest. My name was Say~ria and his was Jaredelle. I would think about my last name being his. Say~ria Terrance. I loves the sound of it!!!! I had dreams about him and sexual ones at that I tell you they were very graphic.

Present time******

"Ok class we are learning about meisos and mitosis today." Mrs. Naylor says getting our attention. My attenton was not on her infact it was on Jared a.k.a Storm. I smiled.


This is based on a true story remember. What do you think. All coments even harsh ones are welcome.


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