Part 2: The Warriors' Council

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As the sun began to set on the day of the attack, the warriors of the village gathered in the center of the village for an emergency council meeting. The elders and the most experienced warriors sat at the front of the circle while the rest sat behind them.

"Brothers and sisters," said the village chief, "we have been attacked by an unknown enemy. We have lost many of our own and our village has been set ablaze. We need to come up with a plan to protect our people and to avenge our fallen."

The council fell silent as the warriors considered their options. After a few moments, a young warrior named Kaida spoke up.

"Chief, we cannot just wait for the enemy to attack us again. We need to take the fight to them. We need to gather our strongest warriors and strike at their hearts."

Several of the elders murmured in agreement, but others shook their heads in disagreement.

"Kaida, your courage is admirable," said one of the elders. "But we must be cautious. We do not know who our enemy is or what they are capable of. We cannot risk losing more of our own."

Another warrior named Jin stepped forward. "I agree with Kaida. We cannot sit back and wait for them to attack us again. We must strike back and show them that we will not be defeated."

The council continued to debate back and forth, with some arguing for caution and others for immediate action. Finally, the village chief spoke up again.

"I have heard your opinions, but I believe we must take a middle path. We will gather our strongest warriors and send them out to scout the enemy's location. We will not engage them in battle until we know more about their numbers and capabilities."

The council nodded in agreement and the warriors began to prepare for their mission. Kaida and Jin were among those chosen to lead the scouting party.

As the party set out into the night, they knew that they were risking their lives for the safety of their village. But they also knew that they were the best chance their people had for survival. They walked silently, their blades at the ready, prepared to face whatever dangers lay ahead.

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