☙ The Stealer ❧

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This story contains:
• Robberies
• Some blood
• Poor job health care
• Financial anorexia
• Guys, this was so random and poorly written :,)

   Jungwon is a struggling college student, looking for some ways to get money. He has a part-time job working as a manufacturer. But as a manufacturer, Jungwon frequently gets his hands injured because the company has such low pay for their workers that they can't even have proper functioning machines. So Jungwon has to reach into the machine to fix it and ends up hurting himself. Sunoo keeps telling him to find a different job, for the sake of his health and happiness. However, it's not like Sunoo is doing any better but fixing cars that are above his body. He can literally be crushed from the poor support of the beam that raises the cars.

   It is clear the two best friends are struggling their part-time jobs. Another of way to get their money is robbing people. He and Sunoo are robbers at night and they usually take turns per night. While one is robbing, the other is working on both of their homework.

"All right, I'll be out for a while." Jungwon is in the living room, putting his shoes on.

"Okay, make sure you don't hurt yourself again!" Sunoo calls in the kitchen, washing his dishes. Jungwon rolls his eyes, warned for the nth time. "Oh! And don't forget to eat when you come back please."

"Got it." He puts on his mask and he leaves.

   This time, it's Jungwon's turn to go on a robbery spree. Jungwon is very successful in gaining good valuables but he's incredibly clumsy. He gets caught on many occasions but escapes with the values and money.

   The first house, Jungwon didn't know there was a dog in the house and it threw his soul out of the universe with the sudden bark. The second house, he bumped into the owner of the house who was sleep walking. They lashed out in a natural response, punching Jungwon in the stomach unpleasantly. The third house, he tripped over a carpet and fell on top of a large vase which left a large gnash on his right arm. Jungwon is incredibly clumsy when he's robbing. Hence, the reason Sunoo reminds him to not get injured. No matter how cautious Jungwon is, he always ends up getting caught or injured. In the end however, he escapes with many valuable items. A win-win situation he'd defend himself to his best friend.

   Jungwon is at his last stop, grimacing in pain from his stomach and forearm. He doesn't understand how he's so lucky to gain these precious items and money yet he can't even be lucky enough to be safe.

Should I just call it a night?

   He checks his watch and it's almost two hours past midnight. He has some time left before he usually returns so he'll just steal from that house and call it a night from there.

   Jungwon comes across a really nice house. Pretty modern compared to most of the houses he's robbed from tonight. He walks around quietly and sees a window is opened. He grins with satisfaction.

Easy way to call it a night for once.

   He's in the house and walks around but it's incredibly dark. He feels around and feels a table. He follows the length of the table until his knee kicks a chair down. The furniture falls all the way back and even stubs his toe which brings a curse out of him.

   The lights turn on and Jungwon sees a very handsome yet familiar stranger and he's shirtless. He realizes it's Niki, a popular dancer in their college. Everyone swoons and admired the young and talented boy who has polished his abilities over his youthful childhood. Jungwon didn't know Niki was this rich to afford this house and the fact that his classmate even lived here. But he doesn't let his mind drift anywhere else and he runs. But apparently Niki is faster and pins him down.

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