23. His closeness

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Happy Holi my beautiful and handsome readers 🤭🤭. I wish this festival of colors fill your life with colors of love and happiness. Enjoy your day, enjoy colors,sweets, dance and all.
And to make your day more fun, i am here with an update 😉😉.
And i have to share this with you , THIS WAS THE BEST HOLI OF MY LIFE🥳🥳.

Did you all enjoy your Holi ??


Alessa reached Singhania Mansion with Ethan , Vivaan and Ara and welcomed by the whole Singhania family.

“Welcome my child.” Madhuri said hugging her giving her the warmth of a mother. Alessa hugged her back expressing her token of thanks.

“Think of it as your own house ” Jaydev said putting a hand on Alessa and Ara's head and giving pat on the back of Ethan.

Soon, they were lead to their rooms to make sure they rest for a while.

When all of this happening, Alessa's eyes were searching for only one person who was nowhere to be seen. She didn't have the courage to ask her family about his whereabouts but her heart was sinking due to his absence.

It was 10P.m when alessa was standing in the balcony of her room, she saw a car entering in the mansion in full speed. She looked at the car and recognized it in an instance.
Rudransh came out of the car ruffling his hair taking long strides towards the house with a angry look on his face. On seeing Rudransh, Alessa felt at ease and went inside her room leaving the balcony door open.

It was 2 p.m in the night when everyone was sleeping except one person, which is none other than Rudransh Singhania.
He was standing in his balcony with a glass of wine in his hand looking at the balcony of room beside his, in which his jaan is staying. His heart was aching to meet her but he didn't want to overwhelm her especially after what happened today. He was just in thoughts when he heard a loud scream from Alessa's room making his heart race. He put the glass down and ran towards her room.

He opened the door and closed it behind him in hurry.His heart sank on seeing Alessa wriggling on the bed while screaming out aloud. He ran towards her and hold her hands with one hand while trying to wake her up.

Alessa's POV

How did it happen? My family told me that Ivan and Michael are dead , how come they are here?

I am in the same old building, i was 10 years ago. The same aquarium, the same people.

No!!! It can't be true.

I tried to run but my feet weren't moving. Soon, i felt a sharp pain in my scalp and saw Mia clawing my hairs out. I tried to let my hairs free from her but in vain.

Suddenly, i found myself in the same aquarium filled with water. I was hyperventilating , trying to get out of the aquarium but to no success. I looked outside and saw Mom,Adriano and Michael with Ivan and Mia laughing out loud on my distress.

All of sudden i found myself in the same dark room and heard a voice

Who is it?
What is Jaan?

I tried to ran towards the voice but was hold back by Michael. I felt his hands all over my body.

I tried hard to run to my Rudra but i wasn't able to move.

I started losing my hope when suddenly a hand came out of nowhere and pulled me .

I opened my eyes and saw Rudra sitting in front of me with sweat all over his face and distressed look on his face.

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