1. Trouble in pack

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Kylie's POV
I sit up in my bed and look at my clock beside me. In digital number and lettering it said; 8:06 a.m. Tuesday, 3/7/23.
I groaned and immediately wanted to go back to sleep. Today the pack was going to be coming to my house to have a pack meeting. I guess it wouldn't be all that bad though because I would be able to see Scott again. We weren't official yet but we were close. There were other cute boys in our group but he was the only one for me. Just to make sure that I had enough seats on the couches for everyone, I did a run down list of the pack.
-Me(of course)
That was thirteen people and I had four couches, (yeah, I know. I have a lot of couches but it's a big room.) So, they were supposed to be here by 12:00, I had four hours to do nothing. I hated doing nothing and got bored really quickly, probably because of my really active childhood. Someone knocked on my door and I was literally up and there in seconds. I opened the door and was surprised when I saw Lydia. "Lydia?" I asked. She looked startled and like she was just waken up from a trance. That scared me because whenever she did that, something bad happened. "Are you ok? What did you see?" I asked gently, careful not to scare the young banshee away.
"I saw fur covered in blood, a sickness spreading." Lydia whispered.
I saw her blink a few times and put my arm over her shoulders as I guided her into my house and onto the couch. "At least we know now." I said, which made her feel a little better.
. . . Four long, agonizing hours later
The pack was siting on the couch next to me, I was enjoying their company after the sad quietness of my house. We were laughing so hard at something that Stiles did, we couldn't even remember it. The next greatest idea that Liam had was have all the werewolves stack up on top of each other, to see if we could support a human tower. Peter said he didn't want to be included, his nether didn't really want too either but after some begging, he finally joined in. I was on the bottom with Scott on one side of me and Derek on the other side with Jackson one the other side of him. Ethan was on top of me and Scott's shoulders while his brother was perched on Derek and mine other shoulder. Liam was on Jackson and Derek's other shoulder. Malia was on top of Ethan and Aiden's shoulders while Issac was on Liam and Aiden's other shoulder. We were able to keep this position for a while until someone moved their leg and we all fell over. Stiles broke out laughing and even Peter made a smile. Hours passed while we were having fun with one another, playing silly games and talking. But just like that, it was over, one by one they started to leave. Luckily though, Derek, Scott and Stiles were going to stay the night at my house. They knew I hated being alone here and Derek also secretly hated being alone so he knew how I felt.
. . . 4 very fun hours later
We all went to bed into my room, not in a creepy way but there was two king sized beds for us to sleep in. Me and Scott shared my bed and Derek and Stiles were forced to share the other bed. We all knew that they didn't have a thing for each other but it was funny to mess with them. Anyways, Derek had his back to me on the other bed and Stiles had his back to him. Scott had me wrapped in a half hug that I couldn't escape from and frankly I didn't want too. I welcomed sleep this time because instead of trying to stAy up to avoid nightmares, I could sleep peacefully with Scott. Everything went black around me and Scott's breath on my shoulder was the last thing to fade away.
. . . Next mourning
I woke up before anyone else did because I was usually already starting my day, I pried myself from Scott, sat up in bad and turned to face the other bed. I screamed when I saw it and whose it was but it wasn't really a scream of fear, it was surprise and also funny. All three boys woke up straight away, ready to fight.
"What happened? Who died?" Stiles said as he jumped out of bed, revealing himself.
The two other boys marveled at what they saw, they were completely confused and holding back laughter just like I was. Stiles had two brown cat ears sticking out of his hair, a thin brown cat tail whipped out from behind him. "Stiles, don't freak out but feel your head then look behind you." I said slowly. Stiles scoffed at me but he reached up to feel his hair, when his fingers touched fur, he almost screamed. Now he was afraid to even look behind him, but he did anyways and saw his tail. Stiles almost fainted at the sight of it but Derek held him up.
"WHAT THE HOLY HELL IS THIS?" Stiles shouted.
I stifled laughter at him, Stiles immediately whipped his head at me with a pissed off look.
"Not funny!" Stiles hissed.
Derek let go of Stiles, while he sat down on the bed. Stiles started pacing around my room like he usually did, his tail and ears twitching in the air. I reached my hand out from behind Stiles and started scratching the back of his ears. A loud rumbling sound came out of the boy that sounded an awful lot like a purr, left Derek and Scott gaping at him. Stiles quickly realized the situation and slapped my hand away from his ears. Stiles's cheeks were burning red from embarrassment. He then give me a dirty look and sat in the bed next to Scott with a heavy sigh. Stiles had to shift around before getting comfortable with his tail not getting squished on the bed. He had his head on Scott's shoulder and his tail was wrapped around his leg. Scott immediately started feeling uncomfortable in this situation and rushed off. I sighed and got up to follow him to surprise him but he surprised me first. I was around the corner of the wall when I saw two furry ears show themselves in Scott's hair. I was even more surprised when he pulled a tail the color of his hair like his ears out of his pants. I put a hand to my mouth in shock. Unlike Stiles, Scott's new ears and tail looked like they belonged to a wolf. "Why didn't you tell us?" I asked as I came out of my hiding spot and into his line of sight. Scott jumped and looked at me with fear in his eyes. I slowly reached out and when my hand felt fur I started smoothing it and down. Scott let out a quiet moan as I started rubbing his ears. Then I kissed him on the lips. At first it was quick but then he pulled me in for a much longer and real kiss.  "Do you wanna tell them?" I asked him, breaking away from his lips. Scott shook his head and I nodded while helping him tuck his tail back in his pants. He folded down his fuzzy brown wolf ears in his hair, where you could only see then if you looked hard enough. Then we walked back into my bedroom to see Stiles giving Scott a weird expression. Stiles wrinkled his nose at Scott when he sat down next to him.
"He smells like . . . a dog." Stiles stated while Derek leaned closer to Scott.
Derek then reached for Scott's head and moved his hands around in his hair until he felt fur. As soon as Derek touched Scott's ears, they perked up to their full height. Scott fiddled with his pants trying to release his tail when I smoothed my hands over his. He put his hands back in his lap while I pulled the waistband of his jeans back just enough to reach my hand in and pull out his tail. Scott's tail shivered when I touched it but I smoothed down its fur. I curled his tail around him and he gave me a thoughtful look before turning to face Stiles and Derek again.  Stiles's eyes bloomed with curiosity unlike earlier but I could see something different with his eyes and teeth. I lunged forward sideways across the boys and landed in front of Stiles.
"Stiles, open your mouth for me please." I asked.
"Why? Is there something else wrong with me?" Stiles asked with a depressed look on his face. 
I muttered maybe under my breath and he opened his mouth for me. I wasn't surprised by what I saw because I guess in a way I was expecting it. Stiles had sharp pointed teeth not like any other supernatural creature here in beacon hills but like a feline's. His eyes also were a golden glowing brown color with a silted iris like a cat's. I looked in my nightstand's drawers and found what I was looking for, a small makeup mirror. I then handed it to Stiles, he took it with shakey hands. When he saw himself in the mirror he frowned hardly at it.
"Is there a way to like shift back to human like you guys can?" Stiles asked.
Scott shook his head and I noticed the same thing was happening to him too but instead of a feline's teeth's and eyes he had a wolf's. "Scott, it's happening to you too." I say.
"I know, I can feel them." Scott said while his tongue went over his new teeth.
There was a slight groan from Derek and I stood up and put my arm around his shoulder for support. He was haunched over in the middle of the room, panting heavily.
"S-st-tay back," Derek stuttered as he let out another moan of pain.
I stood my ground and saw what was causing his pain. Two black fuzzy wolf ears unfolded from Derek's hair and a tail like Scott's released itself from the confinement of his jeans.  Derek pushed himself away from me and went into the bathroom. I trailed after him and went in with him.
"Not. A. Word. You hear me?" Derek asked while I nodded. 
He then gave his ears and tail a disgusted look in the mirror. While Derek was doing that, his new tail brushed against the back of my hand and the long appendage shivered. He quickly pulled his tail away with a glare.
"Don't. Touch. Them." Derek growled.
I giggled quietly, earning a death glare from him but that only made me giggle harder. Just then, the door clicked open and someone came into view.
"Is he- . . . ok?" Stiles trailed off at the sight of Derek's new ears and tail.
He folded his arms across his chest and he didn't seem to notice it but his ears and tail mirrored his emotions, his ears flattened sideways, his tail swishing stiffly behind him.  Stiles's mouth was open in aghast as he looked Derek over. Derek let out a low growl to let Stiles know that he  was overdoing it.
"I'm sorry but-uh-I-just . . . Never expected to see you like this." Stiles gestured to Derek, not moving away.
And that's when I saw Scott enter the room. When he saw Derek, unlike Stiles Scott didn't laugh at him. "Maybe we should take you guys to see Deaton?" I suggested.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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