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Ryan Reid
Wednesday 2:15 am

I was woken up from my slumber by the constant sound of phone going off

I sat up and rubbed my eyes looking around my room,

Wait....this aint my room yo...

"Oh shit" I mumbled picking up my phone from the dresser answering the call and getting up

"uh hello" i spoke trying to find my pants and shoes "WHERE ARE YOU AND WHY IS YOUR DAD BLOWING MY LINE MY NIGGA" a obviously angry Mook screamed at me

I grounded taking the phone from my ear before answering "yo just tell him im with you or sum you know the deal" i spoke back shuffling to put my pants back on

"what bitch house you at?" he asked making me roll my eyes at his Bipolarness, I was finally able to put my shoes on and tie them before i responded " watch that bitch work mook, Im with a friend tho"

"mhm a friend, and did you and this friend participate in the bumping of the coochies? " I laughed out loud shaking my head at his stupidity

"no mook its not like that now bye"

I hung up the phone then looked down at the bed where Lucia and her cat slept, I contemplated just staying here and dealing with my father later but chose to face my actions head on and go home

i walked up to the bed and began to lightly tap her shoulder hoping it would wake her......

It didnt

So i tried to rock her

she stayed sleep..

so i tried poking her

she moved

before going back to sleep

Coming to my last resort i put my finger in my mouth then shoved it in her ear making her instantly jump up and whine

"Yo Whats your problem" she shouted looking back at me with a mug

i laughed a little before replying "my bad, but i need to get home so cmon"

she mumbled insults while she got up, i took a seat on her bed and waited for her to get ready

she put on some shorts and a hoodie slipping on some slides then grabbing her phone

My eyes followed her around the room watching her every move, something about her sparked my interest she was just so... raw so....confusing and i liked that

she was just beautiful and so intriguing

I liked that

"you ready?" she asked me while sitting on the bed next to me

𝑨𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒂🫂Where stories live. Discover now